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-   -   Myers-Briggs personality temperament test - are more artists "intuitive" or "sensing? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1042)

Anwar Shaikh 12-02-2002 02:54 AM

I tested ISTJ
Well, I tested ISTJ which doesn't seem like me in real life. Apparently, ISTJ's are these superdependable types who are entrenched in tradition having a "Well, it has been done this way forever. It's good enough for now" attitude. To me it sounds out of left field.

So I like button down shirts, grey suits and the Mona Lisa. It's really those funny or interesting Cary Grant movies and not some indication of the boring slug which lurks within. I mean I do lean toward tradition but not because I can't swing.

It's a reaction to the recent obsessively innovative 20th century which has made a big mess of it and the inspired train of thought is in danger of being forever lost. I feel the test is not complex enough to coincide with contemporary minded individuals.

Josef Sy 12-02-2002 02:17 PM

I tested INTJ with a score of 44-44-1-33. I guess I don't use my coconut that much. He he. My sign is Sagittarius.

Carolyn Ortiz 12-03-2002 11:10 PM

ENFJ, 11,33,56,33, Aquarius, Dragon.

Guess this explains why, as a little girl, I use to teach to my stuffed animals! What good students they were! :sunnysmil

Also says we tend to be very happy which is also true! And maybe a reason why I think I am not taken seriously in most of the art world. Interesting that you need to be serious in order to be taken seriously!

The link that Gina Rath included in her post seemed the most accurate, at least for my boyfriend and my personality types.

Very Interesting! Thanks Cynthia!

Carl Toboika 06-03-2003 10:04 PM

Just another in the INFP crowd
I see this is an ancient thread, but I got a laugh out of taking the test and coming up INFP, which is supposedly rare, only not in a group of Artists it seems.

Heidi Maiers 09-01-2003 07:41 PM

You guys in the INTJ category came back with pretty even numbers. Mine were 56-11-1-11.

If that means I am a total introvert, what am I doing talking on this forum, I wonder?

Timothy C. Tyler 09-01-2003 08:43 PM

You're in an elite group. I think there are 3 or 4 of us nation-wide and we're all here.

Lisa Gloria 09-04-2003 10:56 AM

I was an ENTJ (fieldmarshal), which is a little weird. I've taken this before and been an ENTP (inventor), then when I got my first exec role I seemed to switch to ENTJ. Then when I was laid off a couple years ago I went back to ENTP, and now that I'm a self-declared student of painting, I'm back to ENTJ. The only person I'm fieldmarshalling is me, but I'm a real bas**** about it!

BTW, I'm a Leo, year of the pig, and my life number is 9.

Terri Ficenec 02-12-2004 10:46 AM

This was kind of fun!
I'm an INFP 44-11-44-11

Ngaire Winwood 02-12-2004 07:59 PM

CyberSoul Bros Tim and Michael
Hopefully this thread will stay alive, it will be interesting to watch the polls develop. Artists do seem to be intuitive as suggested. I have not been able to find accurate population ratings for each type, they all seem to differ.

I just took the tests and apparently Tim Tyler and Michael Fournier have a new cybersis. I am INTP also. Capricorn and an OX I think, my birthday is in January.

Mary Sparrow 02-12-2004 08:14 PM

My Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 44 67 1

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