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Linda Brandon 08-20-2008 11:32 AM

Hi Michael - she is lovely, nice job! It's fun to see your progress here, thank you for doing this. I admire your persistance and guts.

Here's my tip based on what I see repeatedly in these portraits: keep lining up those carunculas (inner eye corners) every time she sits down after a break. (You often draw an eye corner too close to the nose bridge, so this might help you.) Pick a nostril-related spot or a mouth area to keep that vertical lineup with the caruncula stable, and keep dropping down a plumb point every time she gets back up there. You might want to keep a little sketch off to the side of your paper, just to remind yourself where she used to be, if she is a wiggly sitter.

You make me want to get out my pencils, too!

Michael Georges 08-20-2008 12:52 PM

Hey Linda, thanks for the tip! I do struggle with that without doubt. I struggle on! :)

Linda Brandon 08-21-2008 09:46 PM

I sure do struggle too, Michael.

(Wish I could remember who showed me how to line those up after every model break... .)

Michael Georges 09-03-2008 02:21 PM

So I have not had any drawings to post in a couple of weeks. A lot is going down in my life right now, and the studio where I draw is looking for the artists to take over the responsibility for the OS.

So things are in flux, but I will try to get back to posting drawings as soon as it works its way through. :)

Allan Rahbek 09-05-2008 12:56 PM

I am so impressed of your spirit and eagerness, and when I came over an old Confucius (551 - 479 BC) text today, I immediately thought of you.

He said:
"Hear it and you will forget,
see it and you will remember,
do it and you will understand."

This is so true and works for all of us, I believe.

Michael Georges 09-18-2008 07:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello Allan and thanks for that quote! :)

Things are still a bit up in the air at our open studio, but I did go this week and did this drawing in about an hour and a half. Interesting girl with a very colorful and funky mohawk.

Michael Georges 11-05-2008 01:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It has been a while, but I have still been drawing! The students have now taken over the Open Studio and we are doing pretty well keeping it going. :)

Here are two of the better ones I have done in the past weeks. Hazel and Rose.

Madelaine Boothby 11-07-2008 06:55 PM

I am new here but I wanted to say that I am very impressed with the gradual but wonderful progress you are making with your drawings. You are motivating me to find a place where I can find models to draw on a regular basis. I look forward to your future additions here.


Enzie Shahmiri 11-07-2008 08:40 PM

Michael it's nice to see the progress you are making and I especially I love how you are hanging in there! :thumbsup:

Alexandra Tyng 11-08-2008 10:39 PM


It is really inspiring to see your development over time and your determination.

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