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-   -   Myers-Briggs personality temperament test - are more artists "intuitive" or "sensing? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1042)

Patt Legg 08-08-2002 11:34 PM

:oops: well, I posted here earlier thinking I was somewhere else. I then read all the rest of these posts. Discovering that Mike , I too am a Chinese Rat, a Capricorn and now have a legit reason why I seem to procrastinate leaving home to go to the studio, I must see someone about this. ;)

I am right handed but obviously left brained as my left thumb was on top. Unlike Linda here, I am beginning to feel very "uncommon" About the ableness to be hypnotized if you are right thumbed, I will seek advice from my dear friend who is Certified Hypnotist.

Cynthia Daniel 08-11-2002 07:27 AM

At this point, with 24 out of 32 voters in the poll being iNtuitives, one can potentially reach one of two conclusions:

1. More artists are intuitives and/or

2. Intuitives are more likely to take tests like this and post their results

Doreen Lepore 08-11-2002 08:35 AM

Your conclusion number 1 seems right. Wouldn't the extrovert be the more likely one to respond? (She said meekly.)

Cynthia Daniel 08-11-2002 09:04 AM


You may be confusing the following. The first position of the four-letter code is either I for introvert or E for extrovert. In fact, there are far more introverts that responded. Isn't that interesting?!

It's the second position that relates to either iNtuitive (N) or sensing (S). All the sites I've seen always capitalize the "n" in "intuitive" to indicate that's the letter used rather than the "i" because that is used for introvert.

Christina Common 08-11-2002 02:15 PM

It looks as if I'm an ENFJ with a sun sign of Virgo.

Doreen Lepore 08-12-2002 09:12 AM

You're right, Cynthia.

I latched onto the "I" and interpreted it as introvert vs. intuitive. Not very intuitive of me, but I checked back on my own results and I'm not one of those. Not only that, but I was just slightly perceiving, so my confusion should be expected. ;C

Catherine Muhly 08-17-2002 12:19 PM

What a hoot! I took the test just now, and I'm an across-the board moderately expressed ISTJ. I am a Taurus (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars all in Taurus), plus a Chinese Ox. All very compatible with the ISTJ. I could see the 'sensing' variable (as opposed to the 'intuitive') as being compatible with being a representational artist more than a conceptual one. This ISTJ may also explain why I managed to work 20 years in the IT division of a large brokerage house without going nuts. Though not an obvious 'artist' type, I think the ISTJ would do a creditable job as a portrait painter.

Peter Garrett 09-08-2002 01:10 AM

I find it fascinating that INFP apparently form only 1% of the general population, yet so far over 20% of this poll. There could be a self-selection factor here, but even so, it seems significant. Any statisticians out there? By the way, I tested INFP on two different tests.

Sandy Barnes 09-08-2002 04:59 AM

I'm a ENTJ and a Sagittarius.

At a party I'd be the one with the lampshade on my head. ;)

Steven Sweeney 09-08-2002 05:16 AM

Not to spoil anyone's fun, but those who are banking on the Chinese zodiac and who have birthdays in January or February, especially, would need to consult an authority to determine which "Year" (and associated Animal) they fall under. I'm 1954, Year of the Horse, but just barely, because my mid-February birthday just clears the Chinese New Year date in that year. If you have a January or early February birthday, chances are good that your Chinese zodiac sign is not the one you'd assume by just looking at Gregorian calendar listings. Some of you Horses are Snakes, and so on.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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