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Mike McCarty 01-09-2007 06:18 PM

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This is one of those " Why didn't I think of that" ideas. Think about throwing this picture frame, which now contains your entire portfolio, under your arm, then setting it up in front a a prospective client. You then, with the use of a remote control, scroll through your presentation set to your favorite Barry Manilow music sound track. Or, you could just put it on your desk or hang it on the wall and turn it on. Another good idea would be to take the video of your wife that the private detective gave you, and using the remote control, start playing it on this picture frame that you set up on her office desk. The following is some of what Ive read:

Kodak has today announced four new digital (LCD) picture frames; a 10 and 8 inch with built-in Wi-Fi (EX1011 and EX811) and an 8 and 7 inch standard (SV811 and SV710). These picture frames are all capable of displaying JPEG images as well as video in MPEG-1, MPEG-4, MOV and AVI formats as well as playing MP3 music files. The Wi-Fi functionality in the EX1011 and EX811 models allows you to either display images from your local network or from an online 'Kodak Gallery'. All should be available in March at prices ranging from $280 for the EX1011 to $130 for the SV710.

Press Release:

KODAK EASYSHARE Digital Picture Frames Enhance Your Life and Beautify Your Home with Kodak Color Science, Wi-Fi Functionality, Built-In Stereo Speakers and 128 MB of Internal Memory for Simple Sharing of Pictures and Videos


Mike McCarty 01-20-2007 10:20 AM

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Fujifilm FinePix F40fd

To me, the most exciting new advancements are now taking place in the so called point and shoot section of the camera market. The DSLR cameras, which have become stunningly good in the last couple of years, may take a pause and reflect a bit, but the lower end seems to be leaping forward in interesting ways. Because of the size of the pixels, compared to the DSLR's, they will not compete - totally, but when you reach this level of sophistication in a handy shirt pocket camera it makes you want to scratch your chin. These little guys are rushing up from behind.

There have been a whole slew of these types released in the last few months. The Canon, Casio, Panasonic all have their entries. Nikon has been noticeably absent, which makes me think that they will soon throw in something noteworthy.

This just announced 8.3 mp offering from FujiFilm (there are others with 10 mp, but there is a growing belief that for this P&S sized sensor the extra 2 mp might just get in the way) seems to be one more step forward by the group. The following is from their press release, which is not exactly objective, but this model is further building on a series which has been fully vetted already, so their is some degree of believability. I watched a camera salesman get all excited about FujiFilms new octagonal shaped pixel (if you notice the little symbol on the bottom right of the camera, this indicates that this camera has this new sensor), which I think is now being put in their new DSLR's. The last sentence in this first paragraph is a pretty bold statement:


The FinePix F40fd achieves ISO 2000 (1600 selectable) at full resolution, which means there is no trade off between ISO setting and image sharpness, or the size of the print that can be made.
As my daughter used to say - I'm skeptable. And how about this camera taking two pic's simultaneously, one with flash and one without, then displaying them side by side for comparison.

The press release:


Dianne Gardner 02-17-2007 04:30 PM

I just ordered the Cannon Rebel XTI. I also ordered the platinum kit with 28-80 aspherical lens and the 75-300 lens. I really wanted some zoom power for wildlife shooting and photographing for larger prints. I hope this camera does what I need. I think I got a pretty good deal on it from BeachCamera.com. I've read some reviews from that site and they seem to be pretty reputable. I'll let you all know.

Its a first SLR for me. The market is definately confusing out there.


Mike McCarty 02-25-2007 12:13 PM


Its a first SLR for me. The market is definitely confusing out there.

Good luck, I think you'll be pleased. The market is confusing right now. The digital SLR market seems to have reached a plateau and the so called point and shoot cameras are becoming more and more professional in their feature set.

And for those experiencing Pixel envy we have the just announced Pentax digital 645.

Pentax has issued a press release detailing future digital SLR products it intends to exhibit at PMA. This includes three new DA* (Star) digital-only lenses, a 35 mm F2.8 Macro Limited lens and the long announced, long awaited 645 Digital medium-format camera.

I owned a Pentax 645 in it's antique form. In the old film format (remember film?) these medium and large format cameras used a much larger negative than the 35mm cameras and produced a much superior image because of their brute size. This new digital version will be utilizing the Kodak produced 31mp sensor.

This is of course an over kill for our purposes but interesting to see how photography is evolving on the high end. If you're interested you can read more about the Pentax 645 release here:


Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco 02-26-2007 06:44 AM

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I was taking some reference photos for a commission abroad at Christmas, I did not have any lighting equipment with me and unexpectedly found myself in a very poorly lit room.

My Nikon D50 with zoom was pretty useless without flash, so I pulled out my tiny Fuji F30 and worked with that one.
The photos were very readable, with some distortion but at least I didn't have to use a flash. I lightened the head area a little with photoshop, but anyway I work as usual from a B&W version of this pic and my colour notes taken on the day.
I am working on these portrait now and will hopefully post good results soon

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