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David Draime 05-05-2005 10:57 AM

Kimberly, thank you so much. Your encouragement - and everyone else's - means so much. It seems I go through a phase when I'm nearing completion of a piece, where the thing looks really ugly and I get discouraged. And then you guys bail me out! :)

, I'm glad you don't think it's depressing - in the future I'll have to take my sister's evaluations with a grain of salt.


Originally Posted by Lisa Ober
To Jimmie and David: Remember how long you have both been doing pastels and then look in the mirror and kiss it.

Unfortunately, when I look in the mirror I'm more likely to cry.

David Draime 05-05-2005 11:25 AM

Allan, Claudemir and John, Thank you for your generous and gracious comments. John, it will be a great pleasure meeting you next week. I do wish the rest of you could be there!

Originally Posted by Linda Brandon
I am running across so many wonderful artists on this site that give me a lump in my throat. I'm really looking forward to meeting you next week.

Linda, same here!! You're so right. It's inspiring and encouraging to be among such talented artists - and such generous and kind human beings.

David Draime 05-05-2005 11:58 AM

Janel, thank you! You are very kind.

Scott, coming from one who creates gem after gem, your comments are much appreciated. Thank you.

Rob, put that wakizashi away and go enjoy some miso soup - I've got a long way to go.

Isabel Chiang 05-26-2005 01:05 AM

Hi David,

This is unbelievable! Truly inspiring indeed. You made me want to chuck my pencils and start doing pastels.

Congratulations on such a masterpiece!!! :thumbsup:

PS: I have a full set of pastels hidden in my drawer collecting dust, now I guess I don't have any more excuse not to try them out. It's been years since I touched this medium. After replying to this thread, I'll be running to the book stores to buy some pastel technique books.

Xander Calceta 05-26-2005 01:36 AM

Amazing work. It looks like so real to me as I view it. Indeed,this is a great work of art.

Continue painting and keep us inspiring.

May God be with you always.

David Draime 05-27-2005 11:02 AM

Isabel, don't chuck your pencils! But also start doing pastels as well. I CAN'T WAIT to see your pastels...the way you draw, I'm sure they will be incredible!!

Xander, thanks so much for the kind sentiments. I'm going to try to do more painting - I'm devoting my entire summer to drawing and painting - from life. After the Portrait Conference a few weeks ago, I feel like I need to go back to square one.

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