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Margaret Port 08-23-2002 09:27 AM


I grew up in Sydney and remember my old grandfather sitting on the veranda at Ramsgate on Christmas day, after our traditional lunch with all the "rellies" waiting for the "southerly" (wind) to blow at four pm to cool off. In those days it never failed. For your holiday weather you might have to settle for interesting, rather than good, and be ready to beat a hasty retreat to air conditioning.

Did you come across Eric & Roxanne Minchin's work at Broken Hill? I love her landscapes. Huge, perfectly blended and graduated brilliant blue skies, tiny amount of land at the bottom of the canvas, with perfectly detailed rocks and plants in ochres and oranges. I've been out that way twice but I must admit I'm a coast person, have to be near water.

Michele Rushworth 08-23-2002 10:50 AM

I'd love to read that article "How Different is Different Enough" but the link didn't work. It looked like you typed the name with 2 letter J's and I tried typing it with only one J, just in case. No luck. Do you have any more information on how to get to that site, by any chance?


Cynthia Daniel 08-23-2002 12:03 PM


There were some formatting problems in the link. It's now corrected.

Timothy C. Tyler 08-25-2002 07:34 PM

um hummm

I really think that really good work will find buyers. I think (and would expect) none of the people that have bought my work also own a Bob Ross or a Kinkade in any form. I would be sad to know so.

There are over 950,000 buyers of art in America alone that recognize "high art" for lack of a better term. They can keep most all of us busy. We do not need those other guys' collectors and would be wise not to spend any energy even thinking about them. Let's paint very well. That is enough a challenge for me. I really do think people will beat a path to our respective doors even if we live deep in the woods.

Patt Legg 08-26-2002 09:53 AM


That is enough a challenge for me. I really do think people will beat a path to our respective doors even if we live deep in the woods.
Tim, I sure hope the above quote is true, as I truly am one of those who live deep in the woods. Well, not so deep, as they are building all around our little 3 acres here; we used to have 70 between us and them. But as far as wasting time speaking of the "other" type artists, I agree, we are wasting precious time and there is a place and room for us all.


Timothy C. Tyler 08-26-2002 06:16 PM

That was, of course, a loose paraphase of Ralph Waldo Emerson and he was nearly always right.

Leopoldo Benavidez 08-27-2002 09:51 PM

Tim says:

I really think that really good work will find buyers. I think (and would expect) none of the people that have bought my work also own a Bob Ross or a Kinkade in any form. I would be sad to know so.
I agree that good work will find buyers whether you live in the Yukon Territory or paint in the limits of Chelsea or Soho in NY City, but I wouldn't be too sad or discriminating if the buyer owned a Ross or a Kinkade!


p.s. Explain high art? I agree with Pat on wasting precious time on judgements!

Steven Sweeney 08-27-2002 11:13 PM

[By light of day, I've decided that my diatribe previously posted here was misguided and unnecessary, a product more of fatigue than thoughtfulness, and I'm electing to remove it.]

Mike McCarty 08-27-2002 11:25 PM


1 : a false or unfounded report or story; especially : a fabricated report

Patt Legg 08-28-2002 07:15 AM


I do my best work, I sell paint on canvas, I don't sell myself or my ego.
:o Ok, I've been found. I care a great deal of what buyers feel if they meet me personally. Artists have received a bad rap for ages and I like putting a kind and human face with that dollar sign. I really do not mind them knowing that this is real work also. And, that I pay bills like the rest of them. I just happen to love what I do very much and feel very fortunate to be able to do what I love.


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