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-   -   Myers-Briggs personality temperament test - are more artists "intuitive" or "sensing? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1042)

Timothy C. Tyler 07-30-2002 10:55 PM

My numbers were 1-36-24-36... does this imply I'm in touch with my feminine side?

Linda Ciallelo 07-30-2002 11:48 PM

I'm an INFP . I'm an Aries. My numbers were 89-44-33-11. I was surprised to see that I am in the commonest group here. That "never" happens anywhere else.

There is a thing about being right or left brain dominant. Supposedly if you are left brained, you are good at language and if you're right brained you are good at spatial relations. The quickest way to tell is to clasp your hands in front of you in your normal way, and see what thumb is on the top. If it's your right thumb, you are right brain dominated. If left, then left brained. For each person there is only one thumb that will feel correct. It has nothing to do with whether you are right- or left-handed either. Supposedly people with their right thumb on top cannot be hypnotized.

I will include some reference material on the subject of right brain function. Refer to this link.


Margaret Port 07-31-2002 11:55 AM

This is really interesting. I am also a Tiger. I wonder where that fits in the scheme of things. Another variable. Hmm, let's see, personality type x star sign x Chinese years. More work for Cynthia! I checked the website which explains the personalities (INFP) and I can't wait to show my husband. I've finally got a valid reason why I don't do housework, I'm a perfectionist! I think my 21 year-old son must be one as well. He has just spent over an hour explaining to me how I must check every millimeter of my latest painting to make sure it is perfect. I am going to test him next!

Mike McCarty 07-31-2002 12:28 PM

I am an INTJ (described as "the scientist"), a Chinese RAT, and a Scorpio. Which I guess explains why when faced with three bags of groceries to be taken into the house, I will spend 10 min. devising a plan to do it in one trip. Then spending another 30 minutes cleaning up the BBQ sauce which expoded on the kitchen floor. I hate that.

Michael Fournier 07-31-2002 12:44 PM

Left brain vs right barin
Yes, it is true that there are left-brain dominant and right-brain dominant people. But except for a very few, most people are not that extreme one way or the other. Those that are extremely one way or the other usually have a difficult time in everyday life, although they may be extremely gifted in a single area.

And although one side of the brain does control certain functions, it is not as simple as if you are left-brain dominant, you will act one way or excel in a certain function set, and if right-brain dominant, another. First of all, one side is usually only slightly more dominant than the other, and traits within one side of the brain may be stronger in one individual than another.

Also you can have very strong traits from both sides of your brain. And even have one trait that is specifically a right-brain function, that is extremely strong, but be primarily left-brain dominant in every other way.

Science has a long way to go yet before they fully understand the workings of the human brain. At best these tests can only be a guide, and at worst, mean nothing at all.

Khaimraj Seepersad 07-31-2002 01:30 PM


The responses here are great fun and it wouldn't bother me if the tests flatlined.

Linda, I did the clench fist bit, right thumb. Now look very closely into my eyes...@@@@@@@@@@

Mike, you have just made sense out of my habit of cleaning local clay, and the time I took to figure out how to do it cleanly and efficiently. Actually that INTJ stuff has also explained to me why I love to paint.

It is the joy in observing and figuring out how light affects objects. How light creates mood, and what tracks a thought leaves on a person's face. Fine Art is the ultimate form of observation and record. You can even go smaller, with a microscope or electron microscope.

Thank you, Cynthia and Tim, I can focus even more efficiently now. More properly directed seeing.

Linda Ciallelo 07-31-2002 02:26 PM


I am right thumbs up also, so you can't hypnotize me. :)


Stacey Peterson 08-08-2002 02:49 PM

Very Interesting! I am an INFP, and in the majority for once. I make my living as a Chemical Engineer, and am often in the minority. While working for ExxonMobil a few years ago, I took the Meyers-Briggs in a training class, and we were separated into groups based on personality type. In a class of 30 people, I was the only "I", standing on the opposite side of the room from 29 ESTJ's! Everyone joked that I wasn't meant to be an engineer. Little did they know that they were probably right - my goal is to someday quit engineering and support myself as an artist.;)

ReNae Stueve 08-08-2002 08:34 PM

Right thumb up
I was also "right thumb up". I wonder how many of us are left-handed vs. right-handed. I, being left-handed had a hard time finding a palette that fit well. I ended up having a plexiglass one cut at the local "Sam Flax" art supply store. I love using the clear surface and is very comfortable.

Patt Legg 08-08-2002 11:16 PM

Well, that was something. I am ISFJ so they say. I must admit that I had never taken the test. I found it quite interesting.And they always thought it was just "moodiness".

As for the question whether or not I am in agreement with this estimation, I stand on the 5th as paragraph 2 speaks of my low profile. :cool:

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