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SB Wang 03-09-2020 10:01 AM

Hide vs. reveal
The word hide is closer to word harmony; while reveal is closer to real, art includes realism but not limited in realism...

THE SEDCRET IS by numerology, even# h=8, d=4 in hide vs. odd r=9, l=3 in real. Replace d in hide by g7, hug--squeeze /-kw-/ tightly in one's arms.
Similar: embrace, cuddle, squeeze, clasp, clutch, all contain odd number valued: r9,p7,w5,l3,s1.
Replace embrace by even value z, m, embosom, Hanzi cang is back.
There is more dark secret I will reveal in my book.
Harmony and order are related.
Harmony, balance, coherence, concinnity, consonance, orchestration, proportion, symmetry, symphony, unity... two or more vowels in a similar group are in dominance.

SB Wang 03-11-2020 04:30 PM

Emergent vs. gradual
Emergent, sudden 突然 t2, by m4, d4,
Gradual 漸 j1, slow, restrained, step by step, little by little, progressive, successive,
continuous, systematic, regular, steady, consistent, more odd number value letters.
Sargent alternates these two cleverly.
gradational vs. gradual: /ei/ in scale vs. o,^ in slow, up.

SB Wang 03-13-2020 12:49 PM

Your name may affect your style
Compare Ingres vs. Delacroix, Vermeer, Rembrandt vs. ?, Bouguereau, Eakins vs. Sargent and Mary Cassatt, Norman Rockwell, Wyeth vs. ? Repin vs. Surikov and Serov, Fechin…

SB Wang 03-15-2020 09:44 AM

dense, dent, dental vs. denude...
Learning the word secrets can improve our art skill.
learn vs. lecture, leap vs. stand, lean vs. plumper, leaven vs. emergent, lead, lethargic vs. vivid, pleasant...
Test, the key is s1, l3,n5,p7, odd#
measure, key is m4, o6, and u, 2 parts, even #.

SB Wang 03-23-2020 10:16 PM

Repin valued Serov, Fechin, etc. highly, yet Repin's work is sheer joy, and abounds in wit and technical bravura.

SB Wang 04-29-2020 11:18 PM

One worthes 50?
Tsing Hua"s former president Jiang said: I can guarantee to train 50 engineers but not an artist. Not to say a breakthrough finding that I got fortunately. I must thank a hero in Chinese modern history, who is my grand uncle, who influenced and helped me indirectly, otherwise I might be dead in an accident.

SB Wang 06-20-2020 10:45 AM

for my 5th book on word secrets.
Sargent for beauty by Pinyin. Zorn and Sorolla for art.

SB Wang 07-24-2020 10:06 PM

By the rarity of the skill of the artist may include accuracy. Accuracy alone is not artful. Artistic, reflects in the zeitgeist, portraiture distinguishes from photograph.
My published "secret of words vol. 5" Jul. 2020. analyzes and illustrates the secret of word accurate/exact vs. rash.

SB Wang 08-04-2020 08:35 AM

Secret of art word

SB Wang 08-11-2020 08:19 PM

Start to probe Korean characters as symbols for words.

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