Portrait Artist Forum

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Edgar Coleman 03-10-2005 12:50 PM

Donation for a great job, Cynthia!
Dear Cynthia and forum members -

I would like to thank Cynthia for all her hard work in monitoring and maintaining this inspiring and informative site. Cynthia goes to such lengths to make sure everyone derives the best advice and discussion, as well as encouragement and guidance from the generous professionals' toward artists-in-training. There is a special synergy created here by which each member can attain enhanced artistic results and the testing of new techniques encourages growth for all.

I am leaving a Paypal gift for you , Cynthia, in hopes that it will make your hard work a bit easier. and to encourage you to keep up the great work.

Warm regards -
Edgar Coleman

Jean Kelly 03-10-2005 01:51 PM

Our computer crash a while back wiped out our Paypal account. My husband still hasn't been able to recover it from the old hard drive, so my check is in the mail.. I wish it could be more.


SB Wang 05-04-2005 06:38 PM

Without SOG my life would be more painful---since last summer I have been victimized by a dangerous neighbor, my life was jeopardized by helping him naively.
Being a member of prestigious SOG I was benefited in many ways as you can imagine. Otherwise my situation could be much more worse. I even called Cynthia at her nap time, (found this out later) and got her several advices on one issue, --Dr Cynthia, a credit for you.

Because my suffering in China, I have difficulties but I have failed to do as hard as Cynthia to overcome and succeed. Cynthia and all of those great Americans, you are always my inspiration and example!
"Each step I catch up,
a new life began."

Cynthia Daniel 05-04-2005 10:04 PM


You should not judge yourself so harshly. Everyone takes hardships in different ways. And, you are a very special person - remembering my birthday, sending me litlte gifts from time to time. Never forget you have a beautiful spirit!

SB Wang 05-05-2005 01:07 PM

Thank you, Cynthia!
My parents always want me to show their appreciation as well. Those gifts to you are only sketches, and a Chinese calligraph I wrote, showing high level of my Chinese literature's cultivation. Your birthday is at the same month and day as Senator Thurmond's, who helped me once. Both of you share some strong endurance. He can keep debating for over 40 hours, you worked with unimaginable minimum rest. I remember him of doing 50 minutes strenuous exercise daily, I remember you of dealing hundreds of people routinely.

Also, please take care your health

Elizabeth Schott 08-09-2005 09:08 AM

Cynthia I just wanted to bump this up so new members and others who have had a chance to donate can be reminded to do so.

It is well worth whatever you can spare! :thumbsup:

Brenda Ellis 08-09-2005 09:22 AM

A bargain at any price
Thank you, Elizabeth, for bumping this topic up. I'd be a fool not to support this site in any small way I can. It's a godsend. Thank you, Cynthia, for caring enough about artists and the development of portraiture to create SOG and this forum. And thank the members who give their valuable time and advice so freely and generously to help along us newbies. My donation is small but it is given with enormous gratitude.

Enzie Shahmiri 02-20-2007 04:05 PM

As an "Old Timer"on this forum, I have recently submitted my annual donation. This is a little "Thank You" and meant as a show of gratitude for all that Cynthia has done. We have been offered such a nice platform for sharing ideas and to receive encouragements to excell in a field with fierce competition and high standards for accomplishment.

Chris Saper 04-02-2008 11:10 AM

2008 donation

Thank you again for all the work and commitment you've given to make this Forum available.

I'm pleased to send my 2008 donation!

Michele Rushworth 04-02-2008 11:59 AM

I sent mine in a couple of days ago, also. This Forum really jump started my career!

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