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Chris Saper 12-06-2004 08:54 PM

WHAT! Linda's getting chocolates!? Can I have one when they arrive?

Linda Brandon 12-07-2004 01:03 AM

Absolutely not, Chris. You know I only do this Forum thing for the food benefits. Besides, it looks like I have just been cajoled into sending Scott a giant ABS panel.

Scott Bartner 12-07-2004 04:38 AM

Thanks Marvin.


Originally Posted by Marvin Mattelson
One question. Did you give them transparencies to work from or send them digital files?

Apparently TAM only works with slides although I sent them digital files which I don't think they used. As you may have noticed, Janine Jansen now bows with her left hand--amazing violinist!

Linda, far be it from me to suggest you share your chocolates with Chris. However, the minimum weight they would ship was 500 grams, that's 1/2 kilo, and I'm quite certain if you proceeded to eat them all in one sitting, you'd be painting like Willem de Kooning with his finger in a Christmas tree light socket.

Timothy C. Tyler 02-20-2005 11:52 AM

Scott, I think this really is something because I don't recall many articles form outside the states. Maybe this is their first attempt at going after "International Artists" market? Congrats, Tim

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