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Janel Maples 11-02-2004 03:48 PM

I'm normally not the jealous type but I find myself feeling.............jealous.

Seriously Kim, I love good success stories. I couldn't be happier for you because it is well deserved. It has been fun watching your progress and good to know that your hard work pays off. Actually I felt the need for a nap just trying to follow what you were up to, I can't imagine actually doing it.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Way to go!!

Michele Rushworth 11-02-2004 04:52 PM

Congratulations, Kim! It's too bad you can't make the trip in person. It's a very nice boost to your ego to stand there incognito and listen to people raving about your painting.

Jimmie Arroyo 11-02-2004 05:06 PM


That's great to hear, you rock!

Terri Ficenec 11-02-2004 05:29 PM

Kim, Congratulations!!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 07:04 PM


Someone jealous of moi? Hey - cool! ;) Thank you. I eat a full cow roasted on a spit for breakfast, why? Actually it's the amazing power of sugarrrrr. Donuts - the breakfast of champions.

Michele - That would be fun for several reasons. I have never been into NYC - I'd feel like such a hick!

Thank you Jimmie & Terri!

Sharon Knettell 11-02-2004 08:16 PM

Show me the money!

Does it come with a check, moolah, ya know the green?
This sounds so tacky and mean, but when I have won an award in the past, it has been hard to keep a thrilled look on my face when the envelope I am handed contains something to be framed and not deposited.

Great news!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 10:14 PM

I know what you mean Sharon, but I won't be there - Linda will have to keep a straight face when receiving the huge $100 check ;) Hey - I am not complaining - it is $100 more than I had earlier.

Sharon Knettell 11-03-2004 11:16 AM

Great, at least you won't have to spend money on a frame, if you were so inclined.

Timothy C. Tyler 01-28-2005 08:21 PM

You go!
So much fame so early-you may get spoiled....it is supoosed to be a long hard road.

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