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Linda Brandon 04-29-2004 08:12 PM

Sharon, I just spotted this. Congratulations on a stunning painting! I hope that conference attendees will post some photos which include this, so we get an idea as to scale.

You are a source of inspiration to me, so please, keep it up.

Marvin Mattelson 05-02-2004 08:55 PM

I'm back. I survived the conference and returned in one piece. More amazingly, I survived the drive around Boston with you Sharon. We had a blast. Thanks for the great Day. BTW, I bought a copy of the Bosonians. Wow! Thanks.

Tom Edgerton 05-03-2004 10:10 AM

Marvin and Sharon--

Great seeing you at the conference, and Sharon, it was good to meet you finally face to face.

I got a brief look at the book over someone's shoulder there, but when I went to the museum and tried to find it, I couldn't. Can you post info--full title, author, etc.--so I can find it online?

Best as always--TE

Tom Edgerton 05-03-2004 11:35 AM

Thanks for the info. Hope to see you again before long. Let me know if you head this direction.

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