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Michele Rushworth 03-19-2003 02:55 PM

Very nice color on the gloves and face. The symmetry of the face is much better and the nostrils are toned down and warmer now.

You and your daughter must love this one!

Sergio Ostroverhy 03-29-2003 11:34 AM

Hello Elizabeth,

I like the restrained colors of your pastel (and oil)...indeed some proportion problems, however it will be avoided in the future if you practice more from life drawing...to draw after a photo very often is a "piege" even for professionals...life drawing gives you always a solution, meanwhile a photo will oblige you to follow the "rules".

My advice to you would be for a while forget about computers, photos, rulers and concentrate on drawings after live models...in the beginning it will be harder but later on the effects will be more interesting!

Best regards,

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