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Mischa Milosevic 04-09-2006 05:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Mischa Milosevic 04-09-2006 05:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Enzie Shahmiri 04-09-2006 05:55 PM


Claudemir found the article here: http://www.portraitartist.com/media.htm

Mischa Milosevic 04-09-2006 06:27 PM

Thank you Enzie! I'm going to the page now and have a look. I've had so much work to do lately, prep work for my first exhibit here. Lots of problems, website down, attempting to finish paintings in time, putting together fliers, cards etc. etc. Solving the price issue is a major concern at this point. I must not be timid and than again I must tread carefully. If get my drift.

So, everyones help is much appreciated. Thank you!

Sincere regards,

Richard Monro 04-09-2006 06:53 PM

i have not done any research on drawing prices so cannot give you any advice on how to price them. Your charcoal of the woman is exquisite and should be on the upper end of prices for this type of work. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful/

Mischa Milosevic 04-09-2006 07:14 PM

Richard, thank you. I appreciate your honesty. The oil I posted of the man in hat is just a color study not nearly finished. Actually its in the first stages of small form modeling. I soon hope to post a recent finished portrait in the unveiling's.

Any other thoughts that come to mind in regard to pricing, for my neck of the woods, appreciate you and anyone else to let me know.

Sincere regards,

Patricia Joyce 04-10-2006 02:44 PM

I am not positng to really contribute to this interesting string. I just wanted to jump and and say Mischa your drawings are exquisite!!! The detail in the charcoal is a great mystery to me - WOW!

Mischa Milosevic 04-10-2006 05:49 PM

Thank you Pat. I do appreciate your thoughts and encouraging words. They came at the right time and so you made my day. Hope to see your wip soon.

Sincere regards,

Joan Breckwoldt 06-28-2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Monro
As I conceive of the art pricing section. The ratings of our fellow artists on our collective work would comprise a narrow range on the 1 to 10 scale....say for example 5.5 to 6.3 with most ratings centering around 6.

That range would be proportionate to the $0 to $58 art market range (which by the way is a curve and not a flat line). Thus equivalent pricing for the artist rated above might be $17 to $23 per square inch with the center around $21. The artist now has a suggested range to work in for pricing.

Hi Richard,

Nice to meet you. I read this thread you started a while ago but now I'm rereading it. I may need some clarification because these prices seem awfully high. At $21 per square inch, that means a 16"x20" portrait would sell for over $6000. Whew. I suppose this is a gallery price and if I'm selling direct then it would be half, which is certainly more reasonable but way below what I'm charging.

I guess I'm out of touch with the market . . . .


Marcus Lim 06-28-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Joan Breckwoldt
... if I'm selling direct then it would be half, which is certainly more reasonable but way below what I'm charging.

Hi Joan, i reckon what you mentioned here, rings another important issue that we have to sit on for a while: pricing against the gallery.

It's important to be price sensitive not only to customers, but also with galleries. By selling direct this way, it'll become fodder of bad reputation among collectors, and especially galleries. So my view is to establish a fair pricing that works well selling direct, and for galleries.

Joan Breckwoldt 06-28-2006 11:30 PM

Pricing with no gallery in sight
Hi Marcus,

I hope you didn't misunderstand me.

I have just started doing commissions and I don't see myself in a gallery for a long long time, if ever. I am lucky (with regards to marketing) to live in a large city with, from what I can see, a strong interest in portraiture. In other words, I feel like I will be able to get enough clients to keep me busy as soon as I start getting my work out there. So . . . . all that was to say that when I commented on trying to figure a reasonable price, by cutting the price I calculated using Richard's $21 per square inch, it made more sense to me if that was possibly what a gallery might charge. I assumed that because it's way more than I'm charging, many times over.

I understand that if I were in a gallery I would need to keep my prices the same as their prices. I do love to paint figuratives, so I suppose it's not outside the realm of possibility to be in a gallery sometime with my figuratives. But I was thinking more near term. I'm about to donate a portrait at our church's annual rally day and I feel like that will give me some exposure. We'll see.

So, when I think of pricing, I'm not even considering a gallery's part in my work since that's waaaaaaaaaaay into the future. Sorry I didn't make this clear.


Marcus Lim 06-29-2006 09:51 PM

Hi Joan, it's clear to me you have that thought of the future possibilities already, and that you do know about pricing your art with galleries. It was that issue that i'm concerned with and hope to share with you.
I see you'll get far in your career with that mind of yours! :thumbsup:

Joan Breckwoldt 06-29-2006 11:19 PM

More painting
Hi Marcus,

I've learned a lot from this forum and fellow artists here in Houston. I do understand about galleries, I enjoy reading about other artists' experiences here on the forum. Perhaps I should do a bit more painting and a little less reading if I really want to get into a gallery :)


Richard Monro 06-30-2006 10:42 AM

$21 per square inch would be a price for an artist with a well established reputation and following. For a good artist starting out, I would recommend a price in the $13 to $14 per square inch range.

Joan Breckwoldt 06-30-2006 12:03 PM

Still seems high to me
Hi Richard,

Thank you for explaining your cost analysis. I think perhaps since I live in Houston, somehow the prices here must be lower. At $13 a square inch, a 16"x20" head and shoulders would sell for $4160. That seems high to me, in fact it's just about exactly the price that an established artist here in town charges for her head and shoulders out of her studio. She's a friend of mine.

Richard, I am not trying to be argumentative at all! There are some good artists here (part of a group I paint models with) that will do a lovely head and shoulders for around $1500 or even less. Granted, there are only a couple that are good enough to sell their work, but they are my definition of a 'good artist just starting out'. Perhaps you came across these prices but they were balanced out in your calculations by the higher NY prices? Again, not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand.


Michele Rushworth 06-30-2006 12:16 PM

As Richard mentioned in his introduction, the prices were based on work he saw in galleries in major art markets, so his definition of a "good artist just starting out" doesn't mean someone who's not yet selling their work on a regular basis, it means someone who already has a good gallery representing them and is just "starting out" doing that.

Enzie Shahmiri 06-30-2006 12:28 PM

I think Richard's pricing guide should be viewed as just that , a useful "guide". When I tried to figure out at what rate to sell my work, I spend a lot of time on the Internet finding artists whose skill I felt I matched the closest. Then I compared the sizes head and shoulder, 1/2 figure, etc and looked for the average price that was being charged.

As an artist nothing is more dissatisfying then to sell something you have labored over for a nickel and dime. Whenever I feel doubtful weather or not I am priced too high, I remind myself how expensive mass production prints are. That makes me feel much better and at ease, after all what we produce are one of a kind originals, custom orders!

Joan Breckwoldt 06-30-2006 12:34 PM

Thank you

Thank you for your clarification. I guess I need to reread the post.


Originally Posted by Enzie Shahmiri
As an artist nothing is more dissatisfying then to sell something you have labored over for a nickel and dime. Whenever I feel doubtful weather or not I am priced too high, I remind myself how expensive mass production prints are. That makes me feel much better and at ease, after all what we produce are one of a kind originals, custom orders!


You're right, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will keep what you said in mind.


Richard Monro 07-02-2006 06:41 PM

What is a good artist starting out?
For purposes of definition "a good artist starting out" is one that any of our established forum professionals would say is well skilled in his/her craft, has a recognizable style, and has some wow or retinal burn factor in his/her work.

I have just returned from visiting the Laguna (California) galleries where I was hoping to see some fine art work. Crushing disappointment! Most of the work on the walls was hack work (99+%) with deservedly low prices. A few good pieces in one gallery saved the day. However, I won't be revisiting the majority if these galleries anytime soon.

It seems that more and more art in galleries these days is wall art not fine art. That is OK with me...decorators need something to hang on the wall. However, wall art falls in the lower portion of my lowest quartile in price per square inch...which is where it should be.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-02-2006 07:25 PM

Richard, you have been in my neighborhood! Yep, totally agree with you, all that is offered fore sale here are sea scapes with very muted colors or the touristy stuff, that makes you wonder: "Who on earth is going to buy that?!" Every now and then you come across a good quality work, but you have to search for it.

I am glad that finally someone who isn't a landscape artist, agrees that the art here leaves a lot to be desired.

I hope that you enjoyed the scenery though!

Richard Monro 07-02-2006 07:36 PM


I didn't think to see if any forum artists lived out there. Next time I will let you know when I am coming out. Maybe we can get together and talk shop.

While I am now a confirmed "desert rat", I did spend the first 25 years of my life by and on the sea. So each year my wife and I spend some time at the sea shore to give me my annual salt water fix. We plan to visit Newport, Laguna and Dana Point annually as we love the area, so I will let you know when I make my next pilgrimage.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-02-2006 08:05 PM

Sounds great! I would love to meet you and your wife, so make sure to let me know when you guys are back in town. :)

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