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-   -   Myers-Briggs personality temperament test - are more artists "intuitive" or "sensing? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1042)

Patt Legg 08-08-2002 11:34 PM

:oops: well, I posted here earlier thinking I was somewhere else. I then read all the rest of these posts. Discovering that Mike , I too am a Chinese Rat, a Capricorn and now have a legit reason why I seem to procrastinate leaving home to go to the studio, I must see someone about this. ;)

I am right handed but obviously left brained as my left thumb was on top. Unlike Linda here, I am beginning to feel very "uncommon" About the ableness to be hypnotized if you are right thumbed, I will seek advice from my dear friend who is Certified Hypnotist.

Cynthia Daniel 08-11-2002 07:27 AM

At this point, with 24 out of 32 voters in the poll being iNtuitives, one can potentially reach one of two conclusions:

1. More artists are intuitives and/or

2. Intuitives are more likely to take tests like this and post their results

Doreen Lepore 08-11-2002 08:35 AM

Your conclusion number 1 seems right. Wouldn't the extrovert be the more likely one to respond? (She said meekly.)

Cynthia Daniel 08-11-2002 09:04 AM


You may be confusing the following. The first position of the four-letter code is either I for introvert or E for extrovert. In fact, there are far more introverts that responded. Isn't that interesting?!

It's the second position that relates to either iNtuitive (N) or sensing (S). All the sites I've seen always capitalize the "n" in "intuitive" to indicate that's the letter used rather than the "i" because that is used for introvert.

Christina Common 08-11-2002 02:15 PM

It looks as if I'm an ENFJ with a sun sign of Virgo.

Doreen Lepore 08-12-2002 09:12 AM

You're right, Cynthia.

I latched onto the "I" and interpreted it as introvert vs. intuitive. Not very intuitive of me, but I checked back on my own results and I'm not one of those. Not only that, but I was just slightly perceiving, so my confusion should be expected. ;C

Catherine Muhly 08-17-2002 12:19 PM

What a hoot! I took the test just now, and I'm an across-the board moderately expressed ISTJ. I am a Taurus (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars all in Taurus), plus a Chinese Ox. All very compatible with the ISTJ. I could see the 'sensing' variable (as opposed to the 'intuitive') as being compatible with being a representational artist more than a conceptual one. This ISTJ may also explain why I managed to work 20 years in the IT division of a large brokerage house without going nuts. Though not an obvious 'artist' type, I think the ISTJ would do a creditable job as a portrait painter.

Peter Garrett 09-08-2002 01:10 AM

I find it fascinating that INFP apparently form only 1% of the general population, yet so far over 20% of this poll. There could be a self-selection factor here, but even so, it seems significant. Any statisticians out there? By the way, I tested INFP on two different tests.

Sandy Barnes 09-08-2002 04:59 AM

I'm a ENTJ and a Sagittarius.

At a party I'd be the one with the lampshade on my head. ;)

Steven Sweeney 09-08-2002 05:16 AM

Not to spoil anyone's fun, but those who are banking on the Chinese zodiac and who have birthdays in January or February, especially, would need to consult an authority to determine which "Year" (and associated Animal) they fall under. I'm 1954, Year of the Horse, but just barely, because my mid-February birthday just clears the Chinese New Year date in that year. If you have a January or early February birthday, chances are good that your Chinese zodiac sign is not the one you'd assume by just looking at Gregorian calendar listings. Some of you Horses are Snakes, and so on.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Jean Kelly 09-17-2002 09:05 PM

INFP here (feeling very timid). Also double Leo, does this make me schizophrenic? I know that when faced with a large group of people (three or more) I would just as soon die instead of making small talk, or God forbid, be the life of the party! I believe that more INFPs would respond to this kind of communication because it is "safe." There is no other place that I would speak with so many strangers at the same time. I also am very visual; Broca's area of the brain ceases to function when I need it most. Typing is much better although it still takes me forever to post anything.

Steven Sweeney 09-20-2002 04:27 AM


does this make me schizophrenic?
Perhaps, Jean, you've seen the t-shirt quip: "I used to be schizophrenic, but we're okay now."

I've seen, but haven't had an opportunity yet to comment on, your work, and I can tell you that you've nothing to be shy about in posting. You're very accomplished. The ones who are not at all reserved are often the ones who are, to use one of Robert Bly's myth-metaphors, "showing their gold too soon." In contrast, I'd love to see more of your work here. Sometimes it takes folks a while to respond to postings. People are busy. Most members just read and aren't inclined to comment. Don't read anything into that, or you'll go, I don't know, schizophrenic or something. (Both of you.)

Jean Kelly 09-20-2002 04:25 PM

Thank you for you thoughtful and psychic response. I've been wondering if my work is so mediocre that critiques aren't worth the time invested. You've reminded me that people DO have lives that don't revolve around me and my insecurities. Like you, sometimes I wonder if the only people interested in me are FBI, CIA, and any other secret organization involved in national security. (Since 9/11 I've wasted a lot of time on radical Islamic discussion forums, looking for the next terrorist to attack so I can save the world). And, since I'm "undercover", I'm also for ripe interrogation. Well, I'll keep posting, thanks to your encouragement. Your work has an intensity that I like.

Leslie Ficcaglia 09-27-2002 07:02 PM

I think this is the first time I've taken the Myer-Briggs. My results might have been influenced by the meeting I just attended, which was a very frustrating way of spending a couple of hours. So my tolerance may have been slightly worn. But I came out as an ESTJ, just like the room full of engineers that someone else described. Since I'm on a lot of boards I guess that fits. Can ESTJ's be artists, too? Somehow they left that out.:)

Enzie Shahmiri 11-06-2002 11:26 PM

I am a INFJ 33-33-33-22 and a full out LEO. I was surprised to see that I am judgmental. My husband has been insisting on that point for quite some time now. I'll guess I'll let him have that one!

Cynthia, a personality test on sun signs sounds great.

Lon Haverly 11-22-2002 07:02 AM

ESTJ. But I do not have a sign under the Zodiac. :)

Elizabeth Schott 11-22-2002 07:35 PM

Well, based on a percentage of my responses I am an ESFP. The problem was I did not know if we should answer as medicated, or not medicated. ;)

I am an Aquarius and cannot remember what Chinese animal I was born under, but I don

Karin Wells 12-01-2002 11:39 AM

According to the test, I am an INFP.

Also, I'm a 9th house Sagittarius with Aquarius rising and my moon is in Libra. Maybe this is why I manage to annoy some of the people some of the time.:)

BTW if you go to Google.com and type in your four letter personality type, you'll find deliciously lengthy descriprions.

Mari DeRuntz 12-01-2002 11:48 AM

Karin, anyone who ambushes you on a forum usually seems to the rest of us to be annoyed with everything that exists outside their own microcosmic heads.

The rest of us really benefit from your INFP "healer" nature.

Karin Wells 12-01-2002 11:57 AM

Thanks Mari, I needed that. I was feelin' a bit battered today and just wish everybody would play as nice as you do.

Anwar Shaikh 12-02-2002 02:54 AM

I tested ISTJ
Well, I tested ISTJ which doesn't seem like me in real life. Apparently, ISTJ's are these superdependable types who are entrenched in tradition having a "Well, it has been done this way forever. It's good enough for now" attitude. To me it sounds out of left field.

So I like button down shirts, grey suits and the Mona Lisa. It's really those funny or interesting Cary Grant movies and not some indication of the boring slug which lurks within. I mean I do lean toward tradition but not because I can't swing.

It's a reaction to the recent obsessively innovative 20th century which has made a big mess of it and the inspired train of thought is in danger of being forever lost. I feel the test is not complex enough to coincide with contemporary minded individuals.

Josef Sy 12-02-2002 02:17 PM

I tested INTJ with a score of 44-44-1-33. I guess I don't use my coconut that much. He he. My sign is Sagittarius.

Carolyn Ortiz 12-03-2002 11:10 PM

ENFJ, 11,33,56,33, Aquarius, Dragon.

Guess this explains why, as a little girl, I use to teach to my stuffed animals! What good students they were! :sunnysmil

Also says we tend to be very happy which is also true! And maybe a reason why I think I am not taken seriously in most of the art world. Interesting that you need to be serious in order to be taken seriously!

The link that Gina Rath included in her post seemed the most accurate, at least for my boyfriend and my personality types.

Very Interesting! Thanks Cynthia!

Carl Toboika 06-03-2003 10:04 PM

Just another in the INFP crowd
I see this is an ancient thread, but I got a laugh out of taking the test and coming up INFP, which is supposedly rare, only not in a group of Artists it seems.

Heidi Maiers 09-01-2003 07:41 PM

You guys in the INTJ category came back with pretty even numbers. Mine were 56-11-1-11.

If that means I am a total introvert, what am I doing talking on this forum, I wonder?

Timothy C. Tyler 09-01-2003 08:43 PM

You're in an elite group. I think there are 3 or 4 of us nation-wide and we're all here.

Lisa Gloria 09-04-2003 10:56 AM

I was an ENTJ (fieldmarshal), which is a little weird. I've taken this before and been an ENTP (inventor), then when I got my first exec role I seemed to switch to ENTJ. Then when I was laid off a couple years ago I went back to ENTP, and now that I'm a self-declared student of painting, I'm back to ENTJ. The only person I'm fieldmarshalling is me, but I'm a real bas**** about it!

BTW, I'm a Leo, year of the pig, and my life number is 9.

Terri Ficenec 02-12-2004 10:46 AM

This was kind of fun!
I'm an INFP 44-11-44-11

Ngaire Winwood 02-12-2004 07:59 PM

CyberSoul Bros Tim and Michael
Hopefully this thread will stay alive, it will be interesting to watch the polls develop. Artists do seem to be intuitive as suggested. I have not been able to find accurate population ratings for each type, they all seem to differ.

I just took the tests and apparently Tim Tyler and Michael Fournier have a new cybersis. I am INTP also. Capricorn and an OX I think, my birthday is in January.

Mary Sparrow 02-12-2004 08:14 PM

My Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 44 67 1

Magdalena Castaneda 02-12-2004 11:42 PM


Thanks for picking-up this thread again. I took the test, and I'm an INFP. And the description I must admit "right on".

Looking at the stats, it looks like this is the biggest group at the Forum, though most are intuitive, very interesting!


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