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Debra Norton 09-04-2007 01:52 AM

Congratulations Ilaria! I wish I could see your show.

Grethe Angen 09-04-2007 02:46 AM

Congratulations, Ilaria, and good luck with your show. Would have been great to be there.

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco 09-04-2007 04:22 AM

Thank you so much to all for your support, there are almost two months to go and I wonder how I am going to manage my excitement and my fear !
As we all know there is so much of ourselves in our work that it is a bit like hanging naked on the walls of the gallery.
I also must confess that I chose the date as it is my (cough)..ortiest birthday so if I don't sell I can still say it was a good party anyway :-)


Patricia Joyce 09-04-2007 10:44 AM

You'll be a great success.
Congratulations! You have reached a new level, I hope you can enjoy the excitement these next two months of preparation and the opening, I know it will be a success and we all can't wait to hear how it goes!

Carlos Ygoa 09-04-2007 05:38 PM

Allow me to include my congratulations on your forthcoming show. And a birthday celebration at that! Hope you do well ... I

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco 09-05-2007 03:51 AM

Thank you Patty, fingers crossed.
Carlos come on , there is Easyjet...

Mary Jane Ansell 09-05-2007 05:36 AM

Hi Ilaria

Congratulations on what I'm sure will be a great show - very best of luck and here's to lots of sales and a wonderful birthday!

I'm in Florence at the start of October - we were thinking of heading to Rome for a day or two as well... but is that too early - I couldnt see the dates?

All the best

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco 09-05-2007 05:56 AM

Thank you very much, Mary Jane, unfortuantely it only opens on the 22nd, shame, it would have been nice to see you there...
Anyway october is such a good month to go to Italy, you'll have a great time


Mischa Milosevic 09-06-2007 05:41 AM

Ilaria, having the shakes before a opening is quite normal especially when I invest lot of effort for everything to be perfect. My biggest fear was 'will anyone come'. I'm talking about my first exhibit here in Bad Homburg. If you can imagine, cool on the outside but on the inside I had my bag of questions. I distributed and hand delivered hundreds of fliers. The day came and it was jammed packed. I did not have still lifes like you to sell rather it was a exhibit set up to introduce self and introduce the work I do. It was a three day thing a excellent experience and I landed a nice size commission. I am sure you will do better than I being that you have items that will sell. So, sales and commissions will be your reward. One more thing. Just in case you have not thought about it try to advertise at the near by hotels a day or so before the exhibit.

Wish you nothing but the best

Chris Saper 09-06-2007 08:42 PM

Dear Ilaria,

I am so thrilled for you! What a gorgeous painting on the invitiation - it makes me want to see everything else:)

Keep us posted on details!

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