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Debra Jones 10-26-2005 03:31 AM

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I am very sad that I have not had a chance to keep up with this. I have two commissions in hand and two pending.

I spent last week and weekend sketching on the edge of an art festival and working on a lovely eternal progress piece for a friend of two little kids, then a watercolor of a car headlight for a show I am going to be in near a race track and finally a dog, as people were walking up to me saying "Too bad you don't do pets"

I will post a little wip and if you beg, I will show you the puppy.

No live people today.

The gentleman is a project to match an older piece that hangs in their home. Have no idea what paper I used and the original is in Spain.

The sketch is for a watercolor. This should be good. I call myself the queen of lousey photos!
I hope to do a Ted Nuttal style, like some I did of my family.

So Monday, in spite of no live people was not a waste. We shall see about Wednesday.

Alexandra Tyng 10-26-2005 09:56 AM

I really like it, Debra. The self-portraits that people have posted here say so much more than their little tiny avatars. I really get a feeling of you; don't think twice about the "bad day."

Debra Jones 11-15-2005 01:01 AM

Finally back
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I am not taking up a lot of topics so I finally got back into the studio and did Athena again. Not the best hairdo, but I had a great time using only Burnt Umber as my block in, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Ivory Black and permalba and one flat...I always forget the size, but it was fun.

About 2 hours of painting. Missed the first and last two sessions.

Debra Jones 11-19-2005 10:28 AM

Finally back in harness
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This was not in open studio, but at a friends. He has had this model and is doing a 15 hour pose. I got in for the third session of three and sort of let go.

I brought a 16x20 scrap of canvas taped to a board and used a scrub in of Studio Products Cobalt Green. Then I wiped out my lights and just went in alla prima. I used SP wax medium when it got too slippery from the turpenoid I used to wipe back.

I like SP Studio solvent at home, but they won't let me out of the house with it. Anyone else find Turpenoid too slippery?

Lacey Lewis 11-19-2005 10:34 AM

I really look forward to updates in this thread!

What, again, is the time frame in which you paint these? I especially like the one of Athena... you always capture the character of the sitter in these paintings.

Sorry that I am no help with the turpenoid question, just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am watching and admiring!

Alexandra Tyng 11-19-2005 10:47 AM

Very nice, Debra! You capture the likeness and personality so quickly. It's always a treat to see what you are doing.

When I was using Turpenoid I never thought much about whether it was too slippery. Now, following the recommendations of several people on the forum, I use Gamsol and I don't have problems using it to get a likeness in 1-3 hours. I'd be curious to know whether you find Gamsol to be any better.


Debra Jones 11-19-2005 10:53 AM

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It is Pavlovian.

I have been going to the three hour open studio for so many years, my brain does a countdown. I have been, recently due to my little snit, skipping the first 20 minutes and I think the second athena was only 2.5 hours but the time frame is only three hours.

I do think I should try a larger format and work on the boring parts, like the edges some day, but I have always tried to take whatever pose I end up with, do the very best I can with whatever the model is doing and try not to complain outloud. I don't have the opportunity to have my models pay me much, so I am training myself to be a friendly quiet worker giving no guff to the model, ever.

I assume clients want to get their money's worth and not feel tortured. This speed painting thing is a little more of a necessity because I have yet to dump the day job, but it is much easier to slow down, than hurry up!

I did a lot of small commissions in the mean time, the best I feel is the daughter of my cousin. When you are stuck with long distance Christmas presents, photos and studios, the open workshop is such great exercise!

Debra Jones 11-19-2005 03:55 PM

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I am hoping Linda will post. We were both in studio this morning...
I am pretty happy with this one. Lots of Studio Products Plein Air medium that makes it look glazed but done in 2.5 hours.

Linda Brandon 11-19-2005 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Debra Jones
I am hoping Linda will post. We were both in studio this morning....

No way am I posting my wretched mess! And we had north light today as well, so I can't even complain about the hot lights.
This is wonderful, Debra, and a lovely likeness. Very big :thumbsup: !

Carol Norton 11-19-2005 09:54 PM

[QUOTE=Linda Brandon]No way am I posting my wretched mess! And we had north light today as well, so I can't even complain about the hot lights.

No way, LInda, that your painting could be a "wretched mess!". Your "wretched messes" cannot even come close to what your viewers claim as failed paintings.

Come on, Linda, post. (You can hit me later...)
Carol :o

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