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Mary Reilly 06-04-2005 12:13 AM

:thumbsup: I like both the pastel and the drawing! I know you were disappointed that the pastel wasn't chosen, and the surprise result overshadowed the event for you. However, the drawing really is excellent and the expression on the drawing is captivating.

Linda Brandon 06-04-2005 12:43 AM

I agree with what everyone has said here, Jimmie. These are both terrific pieces and you are a terrific artist. I'm really happy for you. Your work really speaks to people and you're getting recongnition for it, I think it's wonderful.

Besides, it'll probably all even out in the end. The next show you enter there will probably be something that you think is terrible that places ahead of you, and boy will that annoy you! ;) Contests are capricious and incredibly subjective, just as Tom says.

Garth Herrick 06-04-2005 12:56 AM

This drawing DESERVES its prize!

I want you to feel good. Really good. You are fully deserving of your best in show status with this drawing. In fact, if I had to choose one out of the two to keep, this drawing would surely be a keeper! It's that good, and more!



Richard Huante 06-04-2005 02:48 AM


You're upset because you won with this? C'mon, now!!! No tengas lastima por nada! Don't be sorry for nuthin'!

The judges' decision is beyond your control, so there's no reason for feeling guilty. Trust me, it feels worse when you are on the other end of the stick. Besides, when a potential client sees this accomplishment on your resume', do you really think they'll dispute it?

Many artists (myself included) would be proud of this drawing and award. Ain't no shame in your game!


Sharon Knettell 06-04-2005 07:50 AM


I can't tell you how many times I have entered local shows only to be beaten out by 20 something RISD students. The last local show I was in I entered one of my pastels. I won second place to an amateurish drip of paint that must have taken an hour. Never again.

When those Unison pastels arrive like a rainbow from heaven, you will forget about this.

Sorry, I could not make the show, but I am still dealing with some health issues.

David Draime 06-04-2005 04:26 PM

[QUOTE=Allan Rahbek]Don

Jimmie Arroyo 06-05-2005 11:11 AM

4 Attachment(s)
You folks are too kind.


And if you were made to feel undeserving by the crowd there, shame on them, not you. It's their bad manners, not yours.

Regardless of his personal opinion, I think the president's remarks to you were out of line (not to mention less than gracious)!
That did not bother me at all. I was feeling the same way. My wife did not care for his comments and thought they were rude. I felt different, I'm very glad he came out and gave me his honest opinion. It'll just help me, not hurt me.

I appreciate everyone's comments, I'm realizing that I was too sensitive about it, and am moving on. Here's some pics from the show. They're not in order of explanation.

The chinese boatmen is the one that everyone thought should have won, it's a pretty good painting, but I think the size of it is what caught the people's eye.

The dancers is from the same artist, again nicely painted, but too busy.

The portrait of the woman with the flowers in her hair has to be seen close to be appreciated. It's better from a foot away than it is three feet away. I've drawn the same model maybe thousands of times back in college.

I really like the pastel from Sam Goodsell, the application looks simple (I'm sure it's not) but powerfull. Another that has to be seen in person.

My drawing and pastel. The frame is really nice on the pastel, it has blue on the edges and the museum glass looks great. The drawing has a $20 frame from IKEA. They're strong and look good.

Jimmie Arroyo 06-05-2005 11:12 AM

2 Attachment(s)
...and mine.

Garth Herrick 06-05-2005 11:35 AM

Again, Jimmie, your drawing is fully deserving of the best in show status.


Allan Rahbek 06-05-2005 11:42 AM

An additional award from me : The Most Honest Pictures In The Show.
How about that!!!


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