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Linda Brandon 04-29-2005 11:02 AM

Oh Sharon this is great news! I can't think of anybody who more deserves this accolade. I'm so happy you're getting recognized for your strong and wonderful work.

I think Westerners get these magazines shipped to us on the slow-boat-to-China rate; I'm really looking forward to seeing this article when it shows up. Go Sharon!

Tom Edgerton 04-29-2005 11:07 AM

Congratulations, Sharon, on the attention. Don't subscribe, but will go buy it!


Mary Sparrow 04-29-2005 11:26 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Since Sharon is out of town for the week, I hope she won't mind if I share the page out of the magazine for those that don't get it.

Elizabeth Schott 04-29-2005 12:07 PM

Bravo Sharon! This is one of my favorites too!


Jean Kelly 04-29-2005 12:16 PM

I don't have my magazine yet, but you can be assured that I will show it around as I am another "head bangee" of Sharon Knettel!


ReNae Stueve 05-03-2005 01:23 PM

I have the May issue and it's not in there.....or I'm nuts, Can you reconfirm where this is being published, I'd love to see it!!! Sharon, this is wonderful

Mary Sparrow 05-03-2005 02:29 PM

You aren't nuts, it is in the June issue.

Janel Maples 05-04-2005 08:36 PM

Hee hee, this made me laugh.

Congratulations Sharon, I am also on the list of people looking forward to reading it.

Sharon Knettell 05-09-2005 04:45 PM

Keeping it under my hat!

Thank you all so much. I had heard about this but did not think to mention it, really! I just got back from California and this was such a nice surprise!
Thank you Mary for posting it.

I thought it would appear as a footnote or a postage stamp in the magazine so I did not wave any flags.

You can bet a bought a bunch of the at the Rhode Island
School of Design art store. I left a few for the students. However, judging from the senior student show which looked like a landfill, it will fall on blind eyes.

Carol Norton 05-09-2005 10:39 PM

Fine Taste
Oh Boy, I must have such fine taste! As I have expressed to you in writing, Sharon, your work blows me away. I can't wait for my issue to arrive. In this wild west called Arizona, our mail must be delivered via Pony Express.

My absolute favorite live artists so far have won fabulous recognition this year... Chris Saper, Linda Brandon and you, Sharon. I MUST BE ON THE TRACK TO EXCELLENCE! I stand in awe of your inspirational work and aspire to know all that you ALL know... and YESTERDAY! I love this forum! (Thanks be to you, Cynthia.)

Congratulations to all three of you as well all as Tony Pro and all the other wonderful artists going to DC. Thank you for your incredible gifts to us students. I study your work daily and fully expect to learn and improve my work just by exposure to it.

Can't wait for my magazine to arrive via The Arizona Stagecoach Express!

Carol Norton :thumbsup:

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