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Kimberly Dow 03-29-2005 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea Cranmer
Hi Kim! I was just going through some older threads and came across one of yours that is quite similar and posted about the same time last year. Could it be spring fever?

Really? Oh, that's funny! Maybe that is part of it - that and we moved last year in July. I'm in the movie Ground Hogs Day where everything keeps repeating itself.

Jean, yes I will try the meditation. How can I say no - your just too sweet.

Patricia Joyce 03-29-2005 03:38 PM

Hi Kim,
Just wanted to ditto Jean's advice.

YES, we could all use a good wife!! I am sure your sense of humor serves you well in stressful times!!

You're in my thoughts and prayers (people LOVE it when I say that cuz I work in a convent ;).

Just don't shy away from asking for help...your plate is FULL!!

Kimberly Dow 03-29-2005 03:43 PM

Andrea, I just went back and found that thread. It's called Painting Moods and it is very similar. Michele, you even said the same exact thing about a slow music CD. Veryyyy interesting...this may actually BE a seasonal thing. OK, Im going to try my hardest not to paint the rest of the day. It's sunny and warm here. I'm going to go for a long walk, try Jean's meditation and make a big homemade dinner for the kids.

In all honesty, I really should stop painting for 2 months. There is so much to do and part of my personal way of procrastination is to keep painting. And it's a selfish thing because I get so much enjoyment from painting. Who wants to pack and clean when you could be painting? I have this drive though that makes me feel like if I take time off I'll fall behind. Fall behind in what way I dont know and havent figured out yet.

We are looking at a house with a pool and for everyone's sake I hope we get that one, but especially mine. We had one for several years and my life was much more in balance because I couldnt resist swimming every day with the kids. It was great exercise, it automatically created more social interactions with friends and the sun and water kept me from painting too many hours.

Kimberly Dow 03-29-2005 03:52 PM

Thanks Pat!

You work in a convent - I didnt know that! Yes - put in a good word for me. ;)

Jean Kelly 03-29-2005 06:38 PM

Good for you, Kim. I want to here a positive report out of this! :sunnysmil


Jimmie Arroyo 03-30-2005 10:03 AM

WOW, 10-12 hours a day. Jean won't want to hear this, but I am sooooooooooooooooooooo jealous. I hardly get any painting time cuz of my stupid job. Thank God I get to take my fustration out on my clients at work.

I can't offer you any advice, as I would'nt follow it myself. Although if I could stay home, I would probably only work 7-8 hours a day while my daughter was at school. You are killing yourself, but then again, so am I. I have'nt felt better, but I have'nt felt worse in my life. I'm gonna go take an hour nap.

Hope everything works out.

Kimberly Dow 03-30-2005 10:25 AM

It's funny because I don't feel like I'm killing myself. If I weren't painting I'd still be doing something else during this time. The painting is the best part of the day!

Thanks for all the advice folks...apparently this is my spring fever time to whine and be more frantic. I'm just going to go with the flow and paint how it feels right for this time. I'll settle back down I'm sure!

Patricia Joyce 03-30-2005 11:36 AM

"Thank God I get to take my frustrations out on my clients at work"

OW!!!! :o

Jean Kelly 03-30-2005 01:04 PM

Oh Jimmie, I am jealous too. Painting 10-12 hours a day is my dream. I just can't do it cause my body won't go along with my brain. But bodies need sleep to repair damage done during the day. When I was in my 20's thru 40's I slept 4 to 6 hours a night, worked mentally and physically demanding jobs, and had a crazy life. Now I'm busted! I don't want to see either of you crash. And remember, what goes up must come down and every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Lecture over.


ReNae Stueve 04-03-2005 10:20 AM

Happy Day Light Savings Time

I've got to ditto everything said here about taking care of yourself. Painting 12 hours a day may be a blessing, but as you said, your not putting out the work you'd hoped. Dr. Phil... would say, This isn't working for you. or is it. My younger years were much like yours with kids house and bills to pay. It was often overwhelming. And sleepless nights made it worse. I would describe myself as a procrastinator as well.

I had the occasion to do some research into the procrastinator, and in short, found that we are over achievers, not slackers, and that we see ourselves being able to take on many tasks, and have the ability to conquer almost any difficulty. But because we have the knowledge that what ever mountain we choose to climb will in the end not be that difficult, we loose sight of the steps and time needed to complete the process..... at least consciously. Subconsciously the "Fear " is emerging. Especially in the spring, where our doors and windows are opened up and new plans are spinning around.

I would lay awake, with half baked thoughts spinning in my head. Lots of plans but no "plan". My research suggested that what we lacked were practical management skills. The mundane act of making goal lists and getting down to the minutia...

It was difficult for me to get started, so I took baby steps. One day at a time so to speak. Like Monday, make lunches, vacuum, get the oil changed, book vacations, grocery shop, do my nails, paint 12 hours....

Whew, who could sleep?. But when I broke it down. Put the day on a time line.......prioritized... what could be canceled?, and forgot about Tuesday till Tuesday got here.... I could sleep. My subconscious was no longer trying to get me to make a list, cause I'd already done it. Now I start my day with a plan and end it with a pat on the back for a day well used. And I sleep. I'm still a crazy overachiever, who is getting more done.

And when I''m rested, I'm more creative. And when I'm focused I'm more creative. Robert Glenn talks about "Getting into the Zone" this week, and I can't do that when I'm preoccupied with nagging tasks looming in the back of my mind.

Good luck and Happy "Daylight Savings" it's our national holiday :-)

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