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Michele Rushworth 03-09-2005 12:20 PM

I think "selling out" in any profession just means doing something a person despises or feels ashamed of just to get more money, whether they're a lawyer, an artist or a banker.

The question of whether one is "selling out" or not is purely up to the individual's own feelings about the work they themselves are doing.

Sharon Knettell 03-09-2005 06:10 PM


I have worn so many artistic hats in my life to keep myself afloat. I have done toy packaging art, Cosmo illustrations, discount and high end fashion illustration and my personal favorite, "My Little Pony " art for Hasbro toys.

The most lucrative part time job of all of them was the discount store fashion illustrator. I worked 26 weeks a year, half of the 52 weeks which was split with another illustrator. I made about $45,000 a year part time and had the rest of the year to work on my portrait portfolio and paintings. Unfortunately they went to photos. People would sneer and say, why are you working for that crummy chain? Oh they payed one week after the work was delivered.

I cried when that one tanked. The trick is to get the most money per hour when you have to work.

By the way, just sending a letter to these companies is NOT sufficient. You must send slides and a CV.

Heidi Maiers 03-09-2005 08:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the thoughtful responses you guys,

This was the 4th show I've done, but the first that I had any bronzes or other pieces available for sale other than just example portraits. I did have the feast and famine piece exhibited as a series of 24 available for ordering. Below is a photo taken in the first few hours of the show on Friday before the clouds rolled in. Quite a few people stopped to look at it, but none seemed interested in buying or even asked how much it was. Probably a good thing since on Sunday, I undoubtedly would have let it go for cost.

My husband and I made all new pedestals because we thought the old ones did not look professional enough. We made these very sturdy and I think turned out quite nice and certainly cheaper than any we could have purchased ready-made. We are all set to do another show - although that won't be any time soon.

I have all sorts of ideas running around in my head for a body of work that would be stunning, easy to cast, and something that the general public around here might buy. I sat down last night and drew sketches for the 6 pieces I have in mind. I'll spend the next year making them between portrait commissions (I do have a customer currently that wants 5 busts made - yay).

I've also heard that the Scottsdale Center for the Arts has an excellent show and includes more contemporary works rather than strictly southwestern. I'll have to send them an application for the next time I get brave enough to try another show and have my new body of work ready.

Linda, I've thought a lot about doing outdoor statues. The problem there is that they'd need to be weatherproof - which usually means bronze or cement. I'll have to revisit that thought.

In terms of selling out, I suppose it

Michele Rushworth 03-09-2005 10:37 PM


I have a friend that works for Pixar and he longs to be an individual sculptor rather than work for someone else.
I'm an individual painter and don't work for anyone else, but I've always thought working for Pixar would be THE dream job. Guess the grass is always greener on the other side!

Sharon Knettell 03-10-2005 05:48 PM


No I am not just getting started. I have been an artist in one form or another for a long time.

I started as an illustrator doing most of my work out of NY for major publications, companies and advertising.

I segued into portraits as a way to feed my passion for figurative art. I am doing mainly my own art thanks to sales here and there that keep me happily afloat.

Heidi Maiers 03-10-2005 06:19 PM

Hi Sharon,
I didn't mean to imply that you were just getting started as an artist - just in a figurative sense that you have such a bright future ahead of you - seeing what you have already achieved and the skills you have mastered. I know you have worked hard to get where you are to this point and it has paid off.

Sharon Knettell 03-10-2005 06:46 PM


Goodness, I just turned 25 today and it shows if you are as dedicated and brilliantly talented as I am just HOW FAR you can go in a short time.

A CV is a resume.

Chris Saper 03-10-2005 08:15 PM


Like LInda, I have been thinking of the many artists her in the Valley with 2 month shows that have been rained out nearly every weekend. I have likewise experienced a full out disaster, all the eggs in a one-night basket. I t was horrible.

The extraordinary cost, thankfully (or not) seems to have much more to do with the high costs associated with foundries, materials, etc, that are just inherent in your medium, than with costs that can't be recovered. Plus you now have the inventory you need to show and sell.

I understand your thoughts about "cowboy" or "southwestern" art - the subject matter is so tediously overdone, I think if I see another faceless Navajo woman in a colorful shawl I'll just scream. That being said, you might consider the Phippen Show in Prescott - it is a western show for sure, but I have the feeling that sculptors do quite well there. You could check it out this Memorial Day weekend - Jane Bradley and I will both be there. Then you can see if it's something you would want to do next year.

The Scottsdale Center for the Arts is a much higher end venue that Carefree, and might make more sense for you.

As to the "selling out" thing, I have come to believe that an hour at the easel (or stand, in your case) is never, ever, a wasted hour, no matter what you're working on.

Chris Saper 03-10-2005 08:16 PM

P.S. Sharon, why, Happy Birthday to you:)

Heidi Maiers 03-10-2005 10:27 PM

Hi Chris,
I really felt awful for all of the other artist there - most all do not have day jobs to fall back on. The Scottsdale show is this weekend and things are looking good for them. Sunny and warm. I just picked the wrong show this year. Funny, I have always thought that the Carefree show was the show of all shows around here. I see that applications for the Scottsdale 2006 show will be available in August.

I haven't heard of that Prescott show, but I'll check it out. Unfortunately, I'll be in Nevada that weekend so won't get to see it first hand. Are you going to exhibit, or just attend?

Yes, this medium can get expensive and I do feel that I "invested" 5k into doing that show, not that I totally "lost " 5k. Big difference, but it feels like a loss when it may take months or years to get it back.

I have seen many of those faceless Indians and of course I always wonder why they would leave off the most interesting (to me) part.

As an ending note, I'd like to say that I do apologize if I say things sometimes that are meant as compliments but not perceived as such.

Thanks for commenting Chris and best of luck and fair weather to you and Jane - if you are exhibiting in Prescott that is.

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