Portrait Artist Forum

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Sharon Knettell 02-02-2005 02:04 PM

Another look for the "School of Minnesota"
1 Attachment(s)

Do a lady in furs!

I have always loved El Greco, and his "Lady in a Fur Wrap " would be an inspiration for elegant portraits today.

She is so gorgeous.

Linda Brandon 02-05-2005 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Linda Nelson
I hope that, with the portraiture AND fine art, it enables me to have a healthier revenue stream, and provide flexibility and interest at the easel.

Linda, I am watching your career like a hawk and rooting for you all the way. I admire artists who are fighting to break free from the pigeonhole effect so prevalent in the art marketplace and somehow find the time and venue for all the paintings they feel compelled to create. Please keep us posted!

Chris Saper 02-10-2005 12:41 PM

Dear Linda,

I wish you the very best in your expanded arena. Now that we have a figurative section on the Forum, I hope you'll post in there as well.

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