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Steven Rosati 12-10-2001 02:58 PM


David Dowbyhuz 12-10-2001 03:02 PM


I would like to encourage you, and any future unveilings, to "unveil" some background related to the painting.

For example, who is this delightful child? How did you come to paint her? How long did you work on it?

Abdi R Malik 12-11-2001 12:33 PM

Another beautiful work

Beautiful piece of work, I like that. Cool tones.

Do you mind if I ask you to give me a close-up look of the copy of Ingres that you have, which is "Francois Marius Granet"


Jim Riley 12-11-2001 01:13 PM


At the risk of being redundant I too was absolutely smitten with the face and delighted to see the colors you employed. I hope all that strive to find "perfect flesh tones" will learn and appreciate the broad range of possibilities and the excitment generated by this distinctive portrait. WOW!

Can't say I liked the pillows as well.


Jim Riley

Kyle Henry 12-21-2001 01:51 PM


You are truly a modern master. The painting is exquisite. I especially like the way you handled the collar--such delicate value changes.


Maxine Gilder 12-22-2001 09:25 PM


I've always admired Bouguereau's work. I wondered if he influenced your work. I noticed the face has that same porcelain glow to the skin. I'm extremely jealous. What an accomplishment. Bravo!

Brian McDaniel 12-23-2001 02:04 AM


Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!!

This is what I would call a 'gutsy' painting. Meaning that to use such a deep red in the background right around the girl, then using such cool and pale colors in her face... I wouldn't have had the guts to do that, but then again, I've got a long way to go to get to where you are.

What went into your decision-making process to choose this color scheme? Was your reference material this way? Did the subject bring the idea out of you? Please enlighten me to your thought process on this.


Renee Brown 01-04-2002 11:25 PM

Karin, I just discovered this thread.

She's gorgeous! That porcelain look is also present in Vermeer's faces.

Can I come over and take some lessons? :D


Jennifer Geary 01-11-2002 04:07 PM


You are truly an inspiration to me! If I could paint half as good as you, I would be a happy gal! Okay, you must tell me how long it took you to do this...I am curious! I have seen alot of your work on your web site, and would be curious to know what the time frame for these beautiful pieces of art is! Do you paint wet on wet or do you let the layers dry in between? I would love to get some pointers from you! This portrait is precious!

Karin Wells 01-13-2002 07:22 PM

Thank you for your kind words.

It is really hard to say how long it takes me to paint a picture. Sometimes there are long drying times between layers. Sometimes I get stuck and turn the painting to the wall and don't look at if for months at a time while I work on other paintings. When I take on a commission, I tell the client not to expect it for at least a year...

I work in many layers (on a dry surface). My website has a technical info. section for other artists and various posts here on the forum pretty much explain how I paint.

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