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Jean Kelly 02-24-2003 09:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Michelle,

Chris still looks pretty scary. Haven't worked much on his eyes (his right) but just wanted to show that I've already started darkening the shadows. For some reason I seem to start light on the faces (fear or timidity), then add all the values. Next portrait I'll try getting right to the true values first.

Next to go is the X. And I'm not real happy with the background, but I'll still keep it simple. Thanks for the comments. I like having someone looking over my shoulder. :)


Michele Rushworth 02-24-2003 11:33 PM

Much better. Watch out that you don't put too many light values in the areas that are in shadow (like Dad's cheek on our left). It may be lighter than the rest of that shadow area but it's still darker than anything on the lit side of his face. Same thing with some too-light areas on the boy's forehead.

Also, be sure to soften the left edge of the dog's fur so it blends better into its surroundings.

Nice going.

Jean Kelly 02-25-2003 02:40 PM

Chris and Nick up close
1 Attachment(s)
Hi again, better photo this time (color). Here's the progress.


Jean Kelly 02-25-2003 02:44 PM

And Nick
1 Attachment(s)
Chris's green eye still pops too much, I'll be toning it down. He calls it his "babe catcher".

I'm still working on values in Nick's face, will tone down the shadow side cheek, and be softening his eyes and mouth, etc.


Michele Rushworth 02-25-2003 06:43 PM

Much better!

Jean Kelly 02-28-2003 12:14 PM

Progress report
1 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone, It is so nice to be working at a reasonable size instead of tiny!

My challenge to myself on this one is in color mixing. I'm not allowing any browns or black to create the colors in this painting. My only exception is burnt sienna which I mix with ultramarine blue for all the deep tones. The greens are mixed from various blues and yellows. The background is cerulean blue with cad scarlett. I figure the only way to understand this color stuff is to do it the hard way. I din't realize I would have so much fun! I love creating color.


Jean Kelly 02-28-2003 12:20 PM

Chris' eyes
1 Attachment(s)
It is very disorienting to paint two different colored eyes on the same person. I've been looking at Chris's eyes for 27 years but it is very different to paint them and make them look real. I'm still working on all faces, and know that I need to soften and lose edges. Also have started darkening the background and like it better. Gypsy still needs a lot of work, but is starting to look like her silly self.


Jean Kelly 02-28-2003 12:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I like kids, and am having fun with him. Have begun working on his hands. Face is not done yet. If you see anything wrong, please advise. Thanks!


Michele Rushworth 02-28-2003 12:31 PM

It's coming along nicely. Watch that you maintain the roundness of the child's forehead. There are too many light areas in what should be the shadow side of his head and it is flattening and distorting the form.

I think a darker background color in some areas would be good also.

On the Dad's eyes, is the blue/green one really so much lighter than the brown one?

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Gypsy.

Nice progress!

Jean Kelly 02-28-2003 12:41 PM

Chris's eyes
Hi Michelle, Yes it is that much lighter. But for the sake of the painting I think it needs to be toned down much more. It just pops right out at me. But in reality they are riveting to look at, if the light had come from the other side, it would have been even more startling.


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