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Virgil Elliott 02-06-2003 03:26 AM

A hallmark of bad motel paintings is a giant signature. I think it is wise to sign pictures unobtrusively, as anyone who really likes the painting will hunt for the signature until he or she finds it. And we don't want whoever doesn't like it to know we did it, do we?

Virgil Elliott

Timothy C. Tyler 02-06-2003 11:32 PM

I normally use mine as the last chance to balance my design and make it as large as the design needs. Just one more thing to change about my methods - there is so much to learn about this art thing.

Julianne Lowman 02-07-2003 01:00 AM

I have seen paintings with a scribble to impeccably typeset print signatures. Which is best? I have one signature, I call it my "Autograph". This is quick and effortless when signing checks or pastels. Then there's the legible one that I do for paintings and works that require people to actually be able to read the name. Any preferences?

I was also told once that if your name looks like a man's it would sell better. I once considered changing my signature on a few pieces to my middle and maiden name to read "Rene Fauteaux" to see if that made any difference in appeal.

I know an artist who signs her paintings with a "pen name" because she thought her name to be to blah.

Peggy Baumgaertner 02-07-2003 01:54 AM

I sign with a brush, a legible, written "Baumgaertner" and the full four digit date. I have seen paintings with an '03, and I didn't know if that is 1903, or 1803, or what. I sign my painting with the expectation that they will be around in a hundred years.

You do not need to put the copyright sign on the paining. It is automatically copyrighted when it is signed, and I think the sign looks commercial, not appropriate for a fine art piece.

For direction on how to sign your name, I look towards the established artists for direction. Does Daniel Green sign his portraits "Dan"? Does John Sanden sign his "J. H. S., '02" Does Raymond Kinstler sign his with block letters? Your signature denotes how much you respect your work. It is very telling that Van Gogh signed his paintings "Vincent." In order to be taken seriously as artists, we must first take ourselves seriously as artists. We need a serious signature. An adult, dignified, classic, serious signature.

Early on I took a sable brush, ink and large sheet of white poster board and wrote my last name, Baumgaertner, over 75 times. (I used "Baumgaertner" only because it is a long name, and I personally don't like initials in a signature. I have no problem with signing with a female first name. I've never lost a commission or been paid less because I was a woman....). I then cut out the individual signatures and eliminated the bad ones. I ended up with 20 that looked pretty good, turned them upside down and picked out the best, then turned those sideways until I had the one, balanced signature. I them copied that signature with a brush until I could do it correctly and effortlessly. I've been using that signature on all of my art work for 20 years.


Enzie Shahmiri 02-07-2003 02:12 AM

Hi Peggy,

Do you usually sign your work in the same location or do you make your signature part of the painting?

Peggy Baumgaertner 02-07-2003 02:26 AM

I usually sign my name in the bottom left hand corner, although I have occasionally signed it upper right, or lower right. Sometimes it's darker on a lighter background, or lighter on a darker background, usually in gold (gold ochre). On "Clare". my signature is signed in red. As Tim said, earlier, I use it to balance the painting.


Cynthia Daniel 02-07-2003 01:08 PM

It's not published yet and there's no description, but it sounds like this book will be totally about artist's signatures:

Signs of the Artist: Signatures and Self-Expression in American Paintings

Timothy C. Tyler 02-07-2003 02:39 PM

Isn't that amazing? The information that's out there these days!

Hanna Larsson 02-11-2003 07:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It is so interesting to hear what you consider when signing your work. All of your thoughts sound smart and I guess the main theme is to really decide what you want to say with your signature before signing. It is clear that it will be part of the painting's design and final appearence so it is important.

As for my own signature I have been trying out different ways and styles these past weeks and even different names. I considered forcing my boyfriend to marry me to get his last name. It is not spectacular at all but a little more fun to write, Andersson. But I didn

Josef Sy 02-11-2003 08:38 AM


I usually use Roman numerals for the year. Might be interesting...:)

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