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Lon Haverly 01-31-2003 03:02 AM

Great, John! I totally agree. They are by far the most versatile, especially when sanded.

Cynthia has posted my book in the bookstore!

Lon Haverly 04-19-2003 12:23 PM

It s now online at

Soon I hope to have a way of ordering it through Cynthia.

Valerie Gudorf 04-20-2003 12:24 PM

Congratulations on the book, Lon!

I find your abilities nothing short of amazing. You absolutely define the term, "working artist". I'm so happy to hear that things are going well in Palm Springs. Remember to get out and enjoy that most enviable of locations. You know what they say about all work and no play...

Lon Haverly 04-20-2003 02:19 PM

That's me, Valerie, AW & NP.

Maybe someday I can afford to come here for fun. Unfortunately, you cannot really live here all year. It is unsufferbly hot here in the summer, and that is just around the corner. We are talking 120 degrees. You cannot even go outside to and from your car in the daytime. I would consider moving here except for that. I am considering becoming a snowbird, though, except there isn't any snow here in the winter.

I am the first, I am told, working portrait artist to visit the desert. There are alot of affluent folks here, but my work seems to reach the lower and middle income level. Since I need a mall, that is not where the affluent go. However, I have had many serious inquiries for oil commissions, but no takers thus far. I am, I suppose, destined to be a sketch artist.

It is a bit different here. There is an odd passivity here, an indifference. The crouds here, though very massive, are very shy. It is rather hard here to get responses for demonstrations. Perhaps they are not used to it, and are a bit timid. When I succeed in getting someone to pose, I draw a huge croud upwards of forty people, and often acquire a waiting list in a short time. But I can go half a day without getting a single customer. It is bizarre.

Today, however, I am home all day celebrating Easter. By the way, Happy Easter!

Thank you Valerie, for your kind words.

Debra Norton 04-21-2003 12:46 AM

Lon, have you thought about bringing someone to mall with you to be your first model of the day, you wife or someone nearby, maybe even hire someone for an hour to get a crowd started?


Lon Haverly 04-22-2003 04:02 AM

Good idea, Debra. My wife would never do it! :) She won't pose for me. Isn't that funny?

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