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Sharon Knettell 07-03-2007 05:35 PM


I rarely do portraits either and prefer to do my own work. I haven't had the time to post much recently because I had knee surgery, followed by my husband's hip surgery.

There are a lot of non-portrait artists posting and I think the range has broadened in the last few years. Good figurative painting is still good painting whether or not it is commissioned.

There is no perfect forum. I have tried a few here and there and some as you know are run by some very, how shall I say it, negative and chauvinistic people. Impoliteness and crudity are allowed to run amok in the guise of freedom of speech.

I have bitched and moaned, complained to my husband about this one and that one, then he asked me one day, "Why don't you start your own? I replied " I just don't have the time." There you have it. A forum is a collective. It is managed and mismanaged by us all and kept relatively sane by some tireless moderators. This takes many generous artists a lot personal time.

Mouth agape! 07-04-2007 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sharon Knettell
how shall I say it, negative and chauvinistic people. Impoliteness and crudity are allowed to run amok

Say not so, Sharon! Say not so!

Sharon Knettell 07-04-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mouth agape!
Say not so, Sharon! Say not so!

Dear M. Agape,

Yes, sadly it it true. I am happy to participate in a Forum that regards civility as a virtue, a place where artists can expect for the most part to be treated with respect and not pilloried or ridiculed for differing opinions. Yes, there have been some heated discussions, but none that have resulted in crudity, offensive language, bullying and harassment, the defenses of those who sadly cannot clearly explain their position or point of view.

Unregistered 07-04-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sharon Knettell
Dear M. Agape,

Yes, sadly it it true. I am happy to participate in a Forum that regards civility as a virtue, a place where artists can expect for the most part to be treated with respect and not pilloried or ridiculed for differing opinions.

I'll second this, as a regular reader of the forum. I think Sharon's critical interventions have always been polite and to the point. People familiar with other forums that lack he same etiquette may know the one Sharon probably has in mind, where dissenting voices are being ridiculed and belittled bootcamp style.

Sharon Knettell 07-04-2007 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered
I'll second this, as a regular reader of the forum. I think Sharon's critical interventions have always been polite and to the point. People familiar with other forums that lack he same etiquette may know the one Sharon probably has in mind, where dissenting voices are being ridiculed and belittled bootcamp style.


Unfortunately there are others as well, some are easy to get into, some are restricted.

I do not understand why coarse conversation is considered somehow a good way to present your artistic credentials to the world. It is rather like using a caveman's club to explain the finer points of color harmony, a completely macho approach that leads to resentment and ill-will. Art or beliefs, in my opinion, should not be used as battering rams.

This forum is a good example of acheiving discourse without disharmony.

Unregistered 07-05-2007 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Sharon Knettell

Unfortunately there are others as well, some are easy to get into, some are restricted.

I do not understand why coarse conversation is considered somehow a good way to present your artistic credentials to the world. It is rather like using a caveman's club to explain the finer points of color harmony, a completely macho approach that leads to resentment and ill-will. Art or beliefs, in my opinion, should not be used as battering rams.

This forum is a good example of acheiving discourse without disharmony.

One forum known for such a ridiculing attitude sells their own line of products and immediately clamps down on anyone slightly critical. It's probably not a good idea to try and mix an "open" forum with marketing your own product.

Unregistered 07-05-2007 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered
One forum known for such a ridiculing attitude sells their own line of products and immediately clamps down on anyone slightly critical. It's probably not a good idea to try and mix an "open" forum with marketing your own product.

Said forum has gone decidedly downhill the past year or so as many have noticed. It was always a forum with attitude and attacks on certain opposing ideas and opinions, but of late the attacks have taken a decidedly different bent. Innocent comments and actions by friends and supporters of the forum have been viewed and treated with great suspicion and paranoia along with accusations of malevolence. Given the host's age and the nature of the behavioral changes it's worth considering that all the attitude is not deliberate but might be indicative of a certain illness.

Linda Ciallelo 07-05-2007 12:07 PM

Thank you Cynthia and Sharon for your most kind words. I didn't realize I was already a member here. heh heh I tried to log in but had the wrong name. I will certainly be posting here in the future. The quality of work here is excellent and I greatly admire many of the posters. I agree that the experiences that I have had on some other forums have been somewhat traumatic recently. The effect has been that I have avoided posting altogether and have doubted my own perceptions. I greatly appreciate your kind words .

I am in the process of removing a wall to make a larger studio, and working full time, so don't get much time on the computer. I hope that when that is finished I will be able to post here more often.

Sharon, I hope you and your husband will heal completely and soon.
Linda C.

Sharon Knettell 07-05-2007 12:13 PM

Thanks for all your replies.

However I did not want this to end up being a critique of other forums.

Many people think we are too restrictive and rather snobby. You should see me when I am painting. I look somewhat homeless, only more raggedy.

I do think it is good to have guidelines and a sort of entrance exam, as, it were. I have seen so many other Fora disintergrate into nonsense and blather by artist wanna-bees, who write endless paragraphs of utter self-serving poems to themselves. Some are not painters but have found a home somewhat like those late night crazies that call up the chat shows.

Sharon Knettell 07-05-2007 12:17 PM


Your work is certainly beautiful and we love having artists of your caliber here.

I look forward to your posts.

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