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Terri Ficenec 02-11-2004 08:55 AM

I think there may be a misconception here about the meaning of the view statistics. Generally for server based statistics on a web page, the view count reflects the number of times the server has been asked to produce a page. This thread has over ten pages. If each of the approx. 420 members were to just read this thread once, that would result in over 5000 views. You can check this by opening any thread and paging through it. Assuming no-one else is on the thread when you do this, when you go back to the topic page that lists the threads the view count will be incremented by the number of pages that you opened. (If you used the back button to go to that view page, you may need to use the refresh button to see the count be incremented)

I think it is misinterpreting the stats to consider those 3000 served up pages to reflect 3000 individual viewers.

Mary Sparrow 02-11-2004 08:55 AM

Does that mean that 3,000 people have viewed this thread, or rather, each time "I" have viewed this thread to read the new responsed gets counted. I know I have visited this particular thread multiple times.

Cynthia Daniel 02-11-2004 09:03 AM

Interesting point about the statistics, Terri. I hadn't actually watched and tested the "views" stats. I know my stats for my main site shows how many unique visitors as one of the stats - I guess "number of views" is a little misleading.

Cindy Procious 02-11-2004 09:13 AM

I just recently joined - but not before having spent several months reading archives.

I enjoy the site - the exchanges, etc. I voted to pay the max fee. since, as one who makes part of her living off of internet art, I do not believe that the internet should be free.

But - I need to say one thing. I was highly surprised to read Carolyn Robles post regarding a spelliing admonishment. The day I receive a note reminding me to check my spelling is the day I will opt out. There are many ways to maintian the quality of this site - and they have obviously been implemented. There's even a reminder about spelling and punctuation staring me in the face as I write this.

An email such as that is unnecessary and I can assure you, unwelcome and embarrasing.

Cynthia Daniel 02-11-2004 09:19 AM

I don't remember specifics, but there have been times when misspellings have made it difficult to understand the meaning of a post.

Marvin Mattelson 02-11-2004 03:44 PM

In terms of the view statistics, if one person kept coming back to the thread to read each new post after it was logged, their visit would count as an additional view.Once someone leaves a thread for another thread and then returns the counter registers one more.

There were one hundred and nineteen posts on this thread when I started typing this. I will probably be number one hundred and twenty.

If twenty interested people came back to view each new post here and then left each time, that would account for two thousand four hundred views.

On another note, I know some forums offer a spell check option.

Cynthia Daniel 02-11-2004 04:16 PM

There is no spellcheck option that comes packaged with this particular Forum software. There is a separate site that offers spellchecking. It's free it you want to put up with ads. Otherwise, it's $5/1000 spellchecks. http://spelchek.com

I assume that their code would integrate seamlessly into the existing software.

Joan Breckwoldt 02-11-2004 08:40 PM

My two cents
After giving it some thought, I just placed my vote to pay $20 a year to be able to view this forum. The best answer would be, in my opinion, for Cynthia to ask for donations and have the donations cover her expenses. I would probably donate more than $20 and have a better feeling than had I paid a required fee.

I have learned so much from visiting this forum, and many of you make me laugh! What wonderful people I've been able to 'meet' through this forum.

I did not realize, as an earlier post also mentioned, that my participation was expected. I am just a beginner though I do post when I feel I can contribute to a thread. And I, as at least two others have mentioned on this thread, have received e-mails regarding not my spelling, but my improper spacing between paragraphs and capitalization usage. I feel like my posts are being judged with a critical eye so I often hesitate to post.

I have learned so much from reading other posts, but I should add that I have received very limited help when I've asked specfic questions. In fact, I was so disappointed with my last in-progress painting question in early December that I haven't even visited the site since. (And is was the holidays so I had other things going on.) I just didn't get any response. Could be that 'bad' painting situation that someone mentioned. What seems to work best for me is to search the many informative threads and hope to find the information I need.

I find this forum very valuable and would pay for that value and consider myself lucky to have access to the information. Cynthia, you have a great forum here. What makes the forum so special for me is all the friendly, unselfish people who consistenly contribute to this forum. Thank you all!

Joan Breckwoldt

Cynthia Daniel 02-11-2004 08:48 PM



I did not realize, as an earlier post also mentioned, that my participation was expected.
I'm sorry if I didn't communicate this clearly. It's just puzzling the sheer number of people who have been approved and have never posted or maybe posted one time. Obviously there are reasons and I understand that. I just wonder sometimes that there are so many...it's the volume that I'm puzzled about and this should not be taken personally.

I would probably donate more than $20 and have a better feeling than had I paid a required fee.
This feeling has come up before, plus those who feel the fee should be a one-time fee. I guess I'm a little baffled by this since people pay every year for a magazine subscription and for membership in portrait societies, etc. Maybe this feeling is connected to the fact that this is the Internet, therefore not tangible and therefore seen as not worth as much or as not costing that much to produce and maintain.

I will tell you that I've already put in a good 3 hours today just on the Forum, if not more.

Joan Breckwoldt 02-11-2004 09:57 PM


I think I need to clarify when I said I would have a "better feeling" about a donation rather than a required fee. As my earlier post said, I value this forum and would pay an annual fee and feel lucky to have access to the information here.

When I said I would have a "better feeling" I just meant that I would feel good about choosing to donate for the good of this forum. And I would in all likelihood donate more than the $20 I voted on annually. In my mind it's just a nicer thing to do, to donate money to something one feels contributes to one's own life or the good of society. Think PBS here. Someone in an earlier post said something about "not feeling the love" regarding this forum. Perhaps by asking for donations to support this forum people might feel more a part of the forum, rather than a 'required' fee. I realize it's not really required since anyone can choose not to pay.

This is more of a gut feeling or instinct that I'm trying to describe and I have no real idea whether or not asking for donations is something you would seriously consider. It seems to me though, that there are enough members of this forum who care enough about the work you do and this forum to somehow work this out to a positive end.


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