Lei Iverson
Juried Member
Last Activity: 08-03-2004 07:12 AM
About Me
- About Lei Iverson
- Biography
- American Plein-Air Painter, Lei Iverson, has been painting professionally for over thirty years. In 1988 she was included as one of the top Plein-Air Painters in the country by San Jose Museum of Art and California Art Dealers Association and was amo
- Location
- ID
- Interests
- Traveling, writing, and archectural design.
- Occupation
- I have been drawing and painting people sense childhood, I won my first award at the young age of 10 or a portrait I drew of my mother. My school teacher, entered it in a city wide contest sponsored by our local newspaper. Sense then, people have be
- Art Medium
- Oils, Charcoal/Pastels and Watercolors
- Portraits From Life
Contact Info
- Web
Site - http://www.leiiverson.com
- This Page
- https://portraitartistforum.com/member.php?u=67