Here is another option to consider. When you are ready in your mind and heart (even if you are scared to death) to quit, approach your employer and ask to go to part time work such as two 10 hour days per week.
Tell them you still want medical and other benefits etc.. In most cases a company does not want to lose a valued employee and will make concessions. I have 3 friends who have done this exact thing. Your ace in the hole is that you will quit anyway if those conditions are not acceptable to them. They will sense your resolve ( or you can tell them outright that you will have to leave if an arrangement can't be made) and will make the necessary adjustments to keep you.
After March when you are fully vested, try it. You may be pleasantly surprised. If this subtle persuasion works, you have a built in cushion to get you started. If it doesn't work you have lost nothing anyway.
Forget about what people think. In the first place most aren't thinking anything at all. some will be jealous of your courage to go out on your own. and a few will be nay sayers just to be mean spirited. The only friends or family that really count are the ones that support and encourage you to go for your dream. The rest are black holes that just sap your vital energy. Avoid them at all costs.