I don't want to get too OT so I will just say I think I will pass on buying this. It's just too big.
As for the illustration industry, I have gone the "If I can't beat them I'll join them route" to earn my money and most if not all of my illustration work is now digital.
But I really don't enjoy it as much as I do painting and although there are still good and bad digital illustrations IMO the digital age has really lowered the bar. Only the best and biggest names can get the fees that make doing traditionally painted illustrations pay. And I really can't be sure about that since many seem to be doing fine art or selling prints now.
I have to agree. I also feel that traditional illustration is dead or at least in a downturn. Who knows? The computer may go the way of the airbrush and art directors will once again want the look that only a skilled traditional illustrator can deliver and will again pay what it is worth.
I have turned my attention to other career directions that will allow me to continue to paint but still earn my living. I still have not established myself as a portrait painter and fine artist yet. I really feel I need more commissions under my belt before I feel comfortable enough to take the title of portrait painter.
It is funny, though. The more portrait and realist artists I meet, either in person or online, the more I find who worked in the illustration field. It really is a good training ground for the professional artist. I always felt that I was born too late. Oh, to have studied under Howard Pyle alongside NCW.
Oh well, good luck on the sale.