Now here is where Lady Luck came in for real
I have been commissioned to complete another portrait before Christmas - wow, this is a first for me, to have so many gifts to complete by such a hard deadline.
Anyways the subject is an 18 year old girl. To make it easier for her I said she could bring her girlfriend and I will take pics of both of them, thinking this will get her relaxed and happy and comfortable. Well it worked great, I think I have five images of her to use. But the bonus was her girlfriend. WOW, the camera loves her. The pics she is in are not the best but you can still see how lovely her features are. And her coloring is magnificent. She is very excited about my using her as a model, but I told her we have to get her parents permission since she is sixteen. I am so excited, I have so many projects in the works and so much I want to do for my own portfolio. Now, to find the time...
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to reduce the color saturation when I take the pictures. and although I was on a tripod and used a timer, some of the images were blurry???