Advice for my first large Market
Greetings to everyone! I have been a member for awhile but have preferred to stay in the background and learn from all the fantastic postings. As I have not had formal art training I have missed out on lots of the do's and don'ts and have had to learn the hard way. I feel quite intimidated around so many professionals but if I don't jump in and get my feet wet then I will never learn.
So here goes. The good news is I have been accepted into the Santa Fe Indian Market which is coming up in August. Lots of my art is Native American but not all of it. I will be bringing most of my NA pieces to this market however. I have been painting in oils for about 5 years and I have done smaller markets in Texas but nothing this large. There are 1200 artists attending the SF Indian Market with an audience of around 100,000. I will have to share a 10x10 outdoor tent which makes for a very small venue!
I am struggling with issues such as pricing, titles and framing. I have done a series of "larger" subjects (see my website and link to "work in progress"). I will be bringing these to the market . Since these are about twice the size as my previous works should they be priced at about twice the amount? I know this is a hard subject to advise. Can we discuss specific amounts? I was told by previous vendors that a credit card terminal was not necessary. I don't believe this myself, so I have decided to rent a wireless terminal for one month.
Has anyone been to this market , either as a buyer or seller? How important are "good" titles? All of my work is being done on cradled board so I was hoping to paint the sides and not put them in traditional frames. What do you usually write on the back of your paintings? I saw something about this mentioned in an earlier post.
I am planning on driving to Santa Fe with my art. I currently live in California! Any advice would really help!