Real vs. Creative Life
How do you do it? My frustration level seems to be at an all time high, so I need a little help from my friends. I apologize for not contributing more than I usually do, however I am really struggling here lately.
Here are the questions I pose to you:
1. How do you find any time for art when you HAVE to work 40 hours a week to pay your bills at a job which sucks the very life out of you, but which pays your rent and puts food on your table and buys your art supplies?
2. How do you deal with the resentment ?
3. What art do you do Mon - Friday when you leave your house at 8am and return home, eat, walk the dog and find it is 7pm? And it is dark outside, and cold in your apartment and you are ready for bed, heavy lidded eyes by 9pm? (I wish I could be a Jimmie Arroyo and go to my studio and work till 2am - but I get up at 6am!! and I suffer from CFSID)
I just can't get on top of my game here because I am in such frustration at having so little time to do what I love to do. I will be vested with a tiny, tiny pension (unable to touch for 15 more years) at work in March, after which I am considering living in poverty, working part time, finding a hole to call home which will be dirt cheap, just so I can paint.
I really want to walk away from the 9 - 5 life and paint but I have no savings, no spouse to support me, no 17th century patron to keep me painting and fed! I am curious how other artists here may have survived this burning desire to paint while needing to eat every day and pay the bills!
Maybe others would like to share their courageous story of how they fought back the "work till you drop world" and found time for beauty and inspiration and art!
"He can only obey the apparetly alien impulse within him and follow where it leads sensing that his work is greater than himself and wields a power which is not his and which he cannot command" -Carl Jung