Hi All SOG members
It has been a long time since I painted a portrait (2007) and decided to dust off the brushes and paints to once again develop as a portrait artist. No holes barred this time I have wasted too much time already.
Leela was a model at a portrait workshop I attended in late June and we sketched her for about 45 minutes. The tutor then asked her to change into modern attire and we all attempted to paint her.
Personally, I like her english attire more and promised to paint her when I got home. She reminded me from a lady thinking about something nice in the 1920-30's. So over the last 4 weeks after work I put a few hours in to produce this before a local exhibition deadline (about 40hrs).
I know she has problems and I am hoping you can help set me straight with her.
Thank you in anticipation...