I've just received The Artist's Magazine Newsletter, and this notice below caught my attention. Perhaps it might be tempting for some of you with enough knowledge, experience, patience and time... :-)
Our sister company North Light Books, publisher of art instruction books, is looking for artist authors who know how to teach beginners step by step. They're open to seeing all media, but are particularly interested in those who can teach basic elements and principles of traditional realistic landscape, flower and people painting in popular mediums (watercolor, acrylic, oil) to beginners in both pictures and words.
Published authors receive advances and royalties. Send 30 slides, outline/table of contents, sample section or chapter, biographical information and SASE for return to: Pam Wissman, North Light Books, 1507 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45207 (after March 15, 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati OH 45236). E-mail any questions to