I'm really wondering how much time a day must (all of) you must spend to moderate?...and what sort of fires tend to break out? Have you met one another face to face? What made you decide to do it?
I'm a bit stunned at the time I've spent on this forum in the last few days, and can't imagine what it must be like for a moderator. I am quite fascinated with this forum, I must admit. So much so that I vowed not to turn on my computer this morning. I dressed, ate breakfast and went straight to my studio where I painted all day (so virtuous) I am completing four portrait commissions ...then I came in and spent the evening with my husband who spent
his day gilding the frames for said portraits. (He creates all of the frames for my paintings). The reason I'm here now is because he is out cleaning my palette and brushes for me ...yes he does that every night. Fred works for/with me full time. He has remained a computer illiterate by choice.. but thinks this forum business is great and is happy that I've found a community. I must be careful with it...timewise...I can see that now.
We live in an old farmhouse on our small farm in an isolated area of Kentucky . Our three children are grown and living in cities from Louisville (a four hour drive) to Los Angeles.
I teach yoga two nights a week at the community wellness center in town, we are neighborly with a family that lives on a nearby farm (our grown sons, have been best friends since their toddler days), my husband's large family lives in the area and we see them once a month or so, on Saturday nights we attend the local University's International Film of the week...and that is the extent of my social life. I spend the rest of my time making art, writing about art or reading about art. My very quiet life is interspersed with travel,
always for work, I sometimes travel abroad for my work.
After years of working in solitude, it is intoxicating to suddenly be in contact with so many people that share an obsession with portraiture. I'm amazed that moderators are taking the time to do this....but I don't want it to interfere with your art, so please let me know if we are supposed to limit the length or number of our posts.
I'm off to bed now, I'll check in tommorow night..
Oh..and thank you...very much.
Joy Thomas