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Old 12-01-2002, 03:35 PM   #21
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Pursuing art

There are times that I beat myself up for allowing "life" to get in the way of pursuing a career in art. At these times I try to remind myself that my life experiences are what will make me a better artist. The school of hard knocks can be a powerful teacher. All I need to do now is let nothing come in the way again and do the work! This forum is what I have available to me now and I use it for everything I can get out of it. So Marvin, regardless of how you feel about learning from this forum, I am soaking up as much knowledge as I can. I learn from looking at your work, and everyone else's. So regardless of your disdain for internet learning, I'm finding it to be invaluable and am sincerely appreciative of the advice and wealth of information here.

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Old 12-01-2002, 09:31 PM   #22
Marvin Mattelson Marvin Mattelson is offline
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I am not now or have I ever been a member of the Communist Party.


Seriously I never meant to infer that one couldn't profit and learn from this Forum. An effective teacher is anyone who knows more than you.

My point was that those with serious aspirations will need to be fueled by serious study. I also believe that we can all benefit from each of our life's experiences and personally I wouldn't want to give back one second of it, mistakes and all.

Marvin Mattelson
[email protected]
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Old 12-13-2002, 03:06 PM   #23
Minh Thong Minh Thong is offline
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Just a quick note, since someone commented on the value of self-study and learning from Internet forums. I no longer have the financial means to lay out $600 for a workshop. Or even $300, for that matter.

Further, what passes for painting instruction in my area is not geared toward what I want to do. (That's saying it nicely, I'll just leave it there). So diligent self-study and asking questions on the Internet is all I have.

But know that when I ask questions or am even given unsolicited advice on something I will always, without exception, go and attempt what I was told. Many folks in different forums have offered advice on a range of subjects only to have me post an example a short time later of my attempt to duplicate/understand what they were speaking about. I will never waste anyone's time here or on any forum.

Will I ever sell at large galleries? I doubt it. Will I ever get a portrait commission? Maybe. But I will still strive to paint as well as Michael or Mr. Mattelson, and I will never let my lack of resources be used as an excuse not to put out 100%.

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Old 12-22-2002, 01:20 AM   #24
Nicolai Hayashi
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I've been lurking around this Forum for awhile now and wish to offer encouragement for those people who do not have access to good teachers. There is certainly more than one way to learn the basics of art and this Forum is a very good way to learn. Because of what I have read here, I have been newly inspired to invest much of my time seriously drawing.

I have learned a lot from the many generous teachers here who have been willing to give their time, expertise and demonstrations. I am grateful that I have found this place and in the very short period of time that I have been here my work has steadily improved.

This Forum is an answer to a prayer and it is foolish to pretend that it isn't a viable teaching tool.
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