I just finished day two of a ten-day workshop in Seattle taught by Tony Ryder. He's a terrific teacher (thorough, gentle and very, very knowledgeable.)
I spent these first two days doing what he calls the "poster study," which is a tiny, greatly simplified five-inch color study of the model from life.
I found this exercise to be so valuable that I think I will start doing several of these studies before every new painting I create (as Tony does with his own work). Tony's eye for color is so precise that a little of his skill is starting to rub off on us students.
Tomorrow we start the drawing on the canvas that we will paint on for the rest of the two week class. We'll work from the same model for 50 painting hours.
You can see examples of Tony Ryder's paintings and very thorough step-by-step photographs of what he teaches in class on his website:
As I have time and energy after class, I'll post updates.