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Poll: So many guests, we are wondering why more don't participate
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So many guests, we are wondering why more don't participate

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Old 02-23-2007, 04:55 PM   #21
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I consider myself an accomplised painter. (I work mostly in oil.) But few of my works are bona fide portraits. I haven't attempted the jury process for this reason. I gain a lot from reading the various forums, and would consider occasionally posting, if it were permitted.

I respect your jury process, and think it's a good idea. I know this sounds unkind, but some other art websites are diluted in their helpfulness to the experienced painter by all of the beginning painter postings and questions. Those have their place, surely. But the seasoned painter grows tired of wading through those posts, and moves elsewhere. I'd rather continue to "lurk" around your website than see the jury process so changed as to cause this problem on your site.

Thanks for a wonderful site. One day I just may feel it's appropriate for me to submit work to the jury.
Old 02-24-2007, 03:49 AM   #22
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Some thoughts from a reject, and a note to Sharon

When I applied some time ago I didn't bother to take photos of my latest work, and submitted two pieces that were not representative of my best, although they were better than the puffy cheeked, hard edged, frontal flash, under modeled portraits you see all over the net. Anyway, I didn't think it would matter, because I felt I was a little more advanced than some of the posters I have seen here in the past (although most of the posters are more capable than me). My figurative and portrait work is good enough to have been accepted in several juried shows.

I was a little surprised at the rejection, but apparently the standards have gone up. I enjoy the lively discussions, and feel I have something to contribute. I fell like I know some of the artists here, I have read them so much over the years. Like Sharon, for example.

Sharon: since I haven't been able to answer your posts, I just want to take this opportunity to say I totally agree with you on working from live models.

Now, back to the subject at hand:

I still don't think that the forum should be open to those who lack very basic skills. That would load down the forum. But maybe consider an "apprentice" designation for a limited number of members.

Thanks for listening.
Old 02-24-2007, 12:35 PM   #23
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I picked "other." I like to read the posts, but I don't need to participate. Mostly I come in to see what people are working on. There are some beautiful pieces out there.

Lisa Gloria
Old 02-24-2007, 01:53 PM   #24
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I have no qualms with the jury process but I find it *extremely* short sighted to not have at least one section of the forum where non-members can post.
Old 02-24-2007, 02:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have no qualms with the jury process but I find it *extremely* short sighted to not have at least one section of the forum where non-members can post.
Perhaps the following will help in regards to your statement of being shortsighted.

I think one thing that is perhaps not clear to many is that the Forum is not and never was intended to be an entity unto itself like WetCanvas. From what I know of them, their primary mission is an artist community. Here, the Forum is simply an offshoot of the main Stroke of Genius web site and is intended to reflect the main site - simply a side benefit for professional portrait painters.

So, we are not trying to be everything to everyone. For a long time, the main site existed without a Forum - the Forum was and is not a necessary entity in order for the main site to achieve it's purpose. My business is the main site - not the Forum. Except for the donations that come in and the bit of money I make on orders from the links shown in the Forum, it is not really an income producing entity - yet it does require my time and attention.

Perhaps many visitors think that once installed, the Forum requires little to no maintenance or time from me. However, even apart from the jury process, there are regular administravtive and technical issues to address and maintenance/upgrades to be done.

The other thing you may find of interest is that originally it was only going to be for the artists who are listed on the main site - simply a benefit for the member artists and not open to the general public. However, I decided to change that direction and open it to other portrait artist professionals.

Given all this, what are you looking for that you are not getting? Are you saying have a separate section just for non-members? Or are you saying allow non-members to post in exisiting sections? Would this benefit other readers and in what way?
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

Old 02-24-2007, 02:49 PM   #26
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I voted shy, mostly because I am somewhat introverted and enjoy being a fly on the wall (although if you were to meet me in person you might not agree as I can appear extroverted - INTP). I hate conflict and fear that someone might take something I say in the wrong way or attack my work, which would be unpleasant and not good for business if a client or potential client were to stumble onto this site. I am also concerned about clients seeing critiques, whether they are valid or not, since I want to be seen as someone who knows what they are doing (even though we all know that artists, if they are smart, should continue to grow in their abilities).

I am also not sure at this point where my work would fit in. I consider myself a full-time professional, and although I am not as experienced as many of the painters here, I don't know whether I should be asking for critiques or giving them and I don't want to step on any toes. Since you mention that you don't want people to join unless they participate, I want to feel more confident about how I can contribute before joining.

I believe you are correct in having a jurying process for participation.

I do wish to thank you for this wonderful site. I have enjoyed very much reading the information provided by so many wonderful portrait artists. I believe that anyone who takes advantage of the site will improve their abilities whether they participate or not.
Old 02-24-2007, 11:01 PM   #27
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I had no idea that "guests" could participate in this forum other than to read.

My work was juried and not considered good enough for membership, I think 2004 or 2005..
Old 02-25-2007, 01:04 AM   #28
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I had no idea that "guests" could participate in this forum other than to read.

My work was juried and not considered good enough for membership, I think 2004 or 2005..
Generally, guests cannot post. This is a special section open to guests.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

Old 02-25-2007, 01:07 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Cynthia Daniel
Generally, guests cannot post. This is a special section open to guests.
Generally guests cannot post. This is a special section opened to guests.

As your work progresses, you're always welcome to reapply.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

Old 02-25-2007, 01:24 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I voted shy, mostly because I am somewhat introverted and enjoy being a fly on the wall (although if you were to meet me in person you might not agree as I can appear extroverted - INTP). I hate conflict...
Believe it or not, I'm considered an introvert too - INFJ, so I understand. I also hate conflict and it's one of the most stressful things when it happens on the Forum.

I am also concerned about clients seeing critiques...
Others have expressed this concern, which is why we put the password on the critiques section.

Since you mention that you don't want people to join unless they participate, I want to feel more confident about how I can contribute before joining.
I guess that sounds rather harsh. But, each applicant takes the time of the Board members to view, discuss, decide and then approve or not. There are tons of very qualified people who have been accepted in the past and then never posted anything. It's curious and a bit discouraging after we put the time in to do the review and approval. We do like having new members since it opens up new and potentially valuable dialog. Participating could simply be asking a question that when answered, others learn from also. We realize that we are all very busy and participation doesn't have to mean a regular commitment.

I do wish to thank you for this wonderful site. I have enjoyed very much reading the information provided by so many wonderful portrait artists. I believe that anyone who takes advantage of the site will improve their abilities whether they participate or not.
Thank you, it's always nice to know that one's work is valued.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius


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