Thank you Allan and thank you Debra!! Your comments mean a lot to me. Allan, I think I tend to gravitate towards portraits/faces with minimal or almost blank expression. It may have something to do with allowing the viewer to read more into it than may be "there," to allow for more subtle emotions to be conveyed or experienced. I don't know how I'll feel when a client wants me to paint them with a big smile.
Janel, I think it helped on this one the fact that I know her. I spent about a week living with her family. She is the most delightful, happy, well-adjusted little kid I know. She's so much fun. Her family is very poor -
materially - but very rich in every other way. She is very lucky to be part of such a loving family.
Mary, I now know why you love to do childrens portraits. I know I love to do old people - always such character. But I think I will equally enjoy portraying kids. It's so gratifying to know that it
is possible to convey the innocence, the spirit of young children.
OOps!! I forgot! It's not my first children's portrait!

I did that charcoal of my mom. I feel so guilty - how could I forget my own mother??!!?? Well, I just won't tell her.

Besides, she wasn't my mother when the photo was taken!