This is really a beautiful and sensitive likeness. I especially like the expression in his eyes. I think you've gotten some great suggestions already, so I have nothing to add in regards to the specifics.
There's one general thing I notice: this feels a little timid. I'm comparing this mentally with your monochrome oils and I feel this would benefit from being worked along with the general tone of the background, so that the head emerges from the ground as do the heads in your oils. Maybe starting with a slightly darker paper (for instance, a tan or grey midtone) would help. There is more richness here than you have captured, especally in the light side of the skin, and the shadows of the skin in relation to the hair and background. In other words, if the background were darkened, the dark hair value would probably not bother you, and you would immediately see the light side of the face as too light and lacking in three-dimensionality. In other words, treat it as you would a painting. I'm not sure of the "look" you are aiming for here, so please forgive me if my suggestions do not fit your intent.