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Poll: So many guests, we are wondering why more don't participate
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So many guests, we are wondering why more don't participate

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Old 06-08-2007, 02:52 PM   #101
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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The Forum has evolved, going through many permutations during its life. Both administrators and members come and go, new areas open up for discussion, others get played out (or self-destruct), and expectations are modified periodically when something isn't working or is counterproductive or could simply be done better. One notable case in point is the change in the application requirement of work produced from life.

Anyone who has previously sought out participating membership in the Forum -- especially if a year or more ago -- and who sincerely wishes to have posting privileges and believes their work and their input would be in sync with the stated practices and goals of the Forum should consider re-applying. (But don't fall into the trap of comparing your work with the lesser-accomplished efforts you might spot here. This is a workshop as well as a gallery, so yes, if you look for them, you'll find some pieces at various stages that may not be up to your standard. Be grateful for your talents and stay focused.)

I tried this past spring to get into a graduate writing program. I had over 70 publication credits, including many extended pieces in national magazines, and I've worked professionally as an editor for nearly 20 years. This was a shoo-in. Yet I was barely home from the interview before the rejection letter showed up in the mailbox.

I admittedly had some of the feelings of resentment that I'm "hearing" in some of the posts in this thread. It helped that, before I began the application process, I acknowledged that, if I got in, I would be doing a huge amount of reading and writing in the coming years -- and if I didn't get in, well, I would be doing a huge amount of reading and writing in the coming years, because that's what I do. I would have loved the opportunity and discipline of this particular program (there were easier ones, but I wasn't looking for easy), and I think I could have contributed something back to it. But for reasons I'll never know -- perhaps I made an inapt selection of writing samples to submit, or perhaps I just didn't sell myself as professionally as I could have -- I won't be joining them.

But it doesn't mean they made a mistake (oh . . . yes it does -- I'm still a little miffed) and it has nothing to do with whether I'm a competent writer or whether I'll continue to publish or even break through to commercial success. (So far, it's not time to quit the day job, but when that agent calls with the news, I'm outta here.) It doesn't prevent me from re-applying next year, or applying somewhere else, or simply working to a more personalized syllabus to continue to hone the skills. It won't keep me from publishing, if I marshal enough discipline to turn out the work, nor from cashing the checks.

Same thing on this Forum. It's an imperfect process. Be persistent. Try again. At the very least, continue to read. When I signed on this morning, there was one member on the site (me) and 125 guests, all presumably absorbing and learning and, perhaps, getting their work ready to put out there. We all wish that every one of those 125 readers would put together some wonderful, suitable portrait submissions and join us.

You don't suppose that verbosity had anything to do with the graduate thing, do you?
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
Old 06-08-2007, 07:11 PM   #102
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I have read your forum off and on for several years. I've wanted to join but honestly, I have been intimidated by your statement on the first page not to register if you don't intend to post because the jury is all professional working artists who don't want to waste their time. I don't know if that is exactly how it is worded, but it's what I understood it to say. I work full time as an architectural designer (B.Arch) and also run a pump manufacturing business my late husband left me. I was born an artist, and I paint as I can. Although I paint more than I ever did, I still don't paint enough to jump into doing portrait commissions, although I would love to do that. Therefore, I have very few portraits to show for the jury application process or posting. This is such a good forum filled with so much helpful information and encouragement. I will continue reading as long as allowed, and some day when I have enough inventory to show, I will apply for membership.

Vernita Bridges Hoyt
Old 06-08-2007, 07:54 PM   #103
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have been intimidated by your statement on the first page not to register if you don't intend to post because the jury is all professional working artists who don't want to waste their time.
I don't speak for the administrators, but I do know that there's no reference anywhere to their wasting their time. Wasting time isn't the issue. I think it's just disappointing to go through the process with an applicant and then never hear from him or her again. This is especially discouraging when the new member's work is very good, and his or her participation would be extremely valuable.

The application process is a lot more involved than is the case with the typical online Forum (where you provide your email address), and in fact each application calls for input from quite a number of people, all professional artists and all very gladly volunteering time to this Forum, some for many years, as well to many other causes and concerns. Most of them also lead workshops and head up demonstrations and, perhaps, get to Mexico once in while when it's cold up here on this end of the continent.

Goodness, the worst that can happen is that some very kind-hearted people will tell you that they don't believe that you're quite ready. Believe me, that's a gift, not a put-down.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
Old 06-08-2007, 09:28 PM   #104
Posts: n/a
Thanks for your reply. Perhaps in a couple or three months, I will feel ready to go for the application. It would be an honor to be accepted into this forum. One can always hope.
Old 06-09-2007, 12:04 AM   #105
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
Hi Cynthia
I am a reject that continues to lurk from time to time. I submitted two of my portraits about 12 months ago and was quite surprised to be rejected. The advice that was given to me from the judges was that I should work on my drawing skills and my understanding of tonal value....]

I see all the applicants because I have to handle the technical end of submitting images to the Board. I have to honestly say I don't remember you being rejected or even applying. It could be that some administrative mistake occurred. I know there are a lot of applicants who never take the second step. Their name sits in the pending applicant area and periodically I prune them out. It could even be that I accidentally deleted you in one of those pruning processes.

I looked at your work and asked the Board to take a look. Seems likely there was a pruning mistake on my part since they also don't seem to remember your work. I'm happy to tell you that your work was approved if you'd like to register - you don't need to take the second step, just the first. You'll then get an approval email within 24 hours.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

Old 06-09-2007, 12:20 AM   #106
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have been intimidated by your statement on the first page not to register if you don't intend to post because the jury is all professional working artists who don't want to waste their time. I don't know if that is exactly how it is worded, but it's what I understood it to say.

Thanks for your comments. Perhaps some real statistics and data will help.

Total Juried Members - 278

Posted 0 times - 82
Posted 1 time - 99
Posted 2 times - 16
Posted 3 times - 7

I think it's pretty astounding that out of 278 juried members, 82 have never posted. There are a few of the low posters that are understandable - an art school, for example, that only joined to post workshops, which is fine.

Of the 82 who never posted, a great number of them join and never visit again or visit for a day or two and never return.

No one expects a member to become an addict (some do ), or even a devotee - simply to participate at least once in a while. But, I find it puzzling that so many are juried, yet never or almost never post - even with explaining away a percent whose lives suddenly changed due to sudden success or unhappy diaster or tragedy, the percent is still high.

Nothing is automatic about the jury process. Once a person submits into a private area on the Forum, these are the steps:

1. I access the web page and click on their post.
2. I move their post to the Board private viewing area.
3. I post "new" so the Board knows there is someone new to view.
4. I wait and read each response as the Board members post their response.
5. I sign into the administrative area of the Forum with a password.
6. I select "yes" or "no" for approval or not.
Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius

Old 06-09-2007, 01:29 AM   #107
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the info. That does explain it better. I've belonged to a couple of other forums, and unfortunately those were about the statistics for posters vs. members there also. Maybe it's the old 80/20 rule. I lean more toward the "addict" side. Yikes! I will be back.
Old 06-09-2007, 04:13 AM   #108
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Activity on the Forum

Originally Posted by Cynthia Daniel

Thanks for your comments. Perhaps some real statistics and data will help.

Total Juried Members - 278

Posted 0 times - 82
Posted 1 time - 99
Posted 2 times - 16
Posted 3 times - 7

I think it's pretty astounding that out of 278 juried members, 82 have never posted. There are a few of the low posters that are understandable - an art school, for example, that only joined to post workshops, which is fine.

Of the 82 who never posted, a great number of them join and never visit again or visit for a day or two and never return.

No one expects a member to become an addict (some do ), or even a devotee - simply to participate at least once in a while. But, I find it puzzling that so many are juried, yet never or almost never post - even with explaining away a percent whose lives suddenly changed due to sudden success or unhappy diaster or tragedy, the percent is still high.

Nothing is automatic about the jury process. Once a person submits into a private area on the Forum, these are the steps:

1. I access the web page and click on their post.
2. I move their post to the Board private viewing area.
3. I post "new" so the Board knows there is someone new to view.
4. I wait and read each response as the Board members post their response.
5. I sign into the administrative area of the Forum with a password.
6. I select "yes" or "no" for approval or not.
Dear Cynthia,

Thanks so very much for explaining the process! I, for one, am a big fan of this forum and hope to participate at some later point. It's a bit strange that some juried members have never posted, as you note. May we add an additional observation? It seems to us that some sections on the forum have very active (or proactive) moderators, who post a lot or start discussions, while other sections seem to have very little activity. Is this something that could be improved on, while keeping in mind, of course, that everyon'e time is always at a premium and that people are very busy?
Old 07-03-2007, 10:56 AM   #109
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My reason for not posting

This forum is full of information that I could use. I think I don't participate because I have been doing commissioned portraits since 1964 and have grown to hate them. I simply don't accept commissions anymore. My main focus at this time is figurative work and my approach is more creative , less restrictive. But still I need the basic information that I can find on this forum, figurative paintings being a close relative to portraits.

My interest right now is getting a good photographic reference. For 30 years I used my 35mm SLR. Now I'm using a digital camera and have decided to buy a digital SLR. I was told that Garth Herrick posted some info here about his recent camera purchase. I have always been a fan of his and wanted to read it, but don't want to jump through the hoops required to post.
Linda Ciallelo
Old 07-03-2007, 03:52 PM   #110
Cynthia Daniel Cynthia Daniel is offline
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I suppose your post above shows as "guest" because you are not logged on - but you are a Juried Member here. I remember your work because I really like it. In fact, there are times when I've gone back and reviewed some threads and missed that you no longer participate. Perhaps you would have words from time to time that would help others though.

For those who are not familiar with Linda's work:

Cynthia Daniel, Owner of Forum & Stroke of Genius


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