If your intention is to find a training to instruct you in the difficult craft of traditional painting, then you need only look at the list of ARC accredited ateliers. I know several of these schools are excellent and the others would require investigation if I were formally recommending one.
If your intention is to find this same kind of training and receive a degree from an officially accredited institution, then your search will be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
I attended Atelier Lack from 1976-80 after having made a strenuous search through the usual channels; universities, art schools etc.
I found what was appropriate for me through an independent studio, headed by an accomplished painter and teacher. This has been proven to be the preferred way, both historically and currently.
Check out the atelier list at ARC or at the ASCR website and do some investigation.
Good luck,
Kirk RIchards
Last edited by Kirk Richards; 11-26-2001 at 04:54 PM.