My wife found a poseable female mannequin at a thrift store, and an antique male mannequin at a recycling center. The male one was missing its head, hands, and one foot, but I was able to graft wooden hand mannequins on it, and a styrofoam wig head form, as well as replace a section of its rigid wooden spine with automotive flex pipe, to give it a wider range of movement. I also bought a new wooden female mannequin made for artists, of the kind more often seen in miniature. I think Dick Blick or Jerry's catalog has them, in adult male and female configurations, and a child size as well. They are not anatomically correct, but I pad them as necessary to the desired dimensions.
There are some others I intend to look into, which I found on a Google search.
Mannequins were once a part of every professional artist's equipment.
Virgil Elliott