He also rents studio space at the gallery. Coincidence?
Probably not, but that's kind of what I was alluding to about choosing wisely. If this art center is "about" that kind of work, then their picks for an atrium display would likely reflect that.
My initial inspiration to paint was fueled by a prize-winning abstract impressionist, for want of a better term, affiliated with an art center perhaps not unlike the one you dealt with. These years later, after my preferences in method took a different turn, I doubt that any of my submissions to the center (in Sydney, Australia, by the way) would be well received. I don't begrudge them anything. It's their hall, and their show, and I wouldn't be where I am today without the spirit and generosity of one of their instructors. (Wherever you are, Denise Sumner, good on you, and cheers.)
BTW Jeremiah, of the pieces you posted, three are walk-bys, one might have slowed me down, and the fifth intrigues me quite a bit, as reminiscent of some favourite Australian landscapes (a Heidelberg [Victoria, Down Under, not Germany] blue and gold palette) by a nationally revered realistic impressionist of whose life and art I have written professionally. Another viewer would have brought other experience and intention to this exhibition.