When thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee... Isaiah 43:2, oil/canvas, 99"97", 2.44cm/2.30cm
Am very happy to be able expose for the first time my over-sized Group Portrait of Firemen at BP Portrait Award in London:
This Art competition is considered as Europe`s most prestigious event in the domain of Portraiture, (1113 entries this year) and comparing to the Royal Academy of Portrait Painters much more challenging from the point of view of a Contemporary Vision of the Portrait. Also the exhibition is visited by 200 000 people and then turns around England the whole year... Even prints of the selected works made by the Museum are available online... The quality is just surprising...
The website of the British National Portrait Gallery, to see the winners and selected works:
This piece took me several years to finish, it is nothing else but research and paint experiments (often completely unsuccessful and leading nowhere) so no wonder that only Brits with their taste for eccentricity could take the risk to expose it...
I showed already this painting at this forum several years ago, so I apologize to put it here again, I just wanted to share my happiness by passing this very important message for all our enthusiastic portrait painters:
Whatever You do, if it comes from your hearth it would be appreciated one day anyway...