SOG Member FT Professional '09 Honors, Finalist, PSOA '07 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Semifinalist, Smithsonian OBPC '05 Finalist, PSOA
Joined: Mar 2004
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 1,445
Red Chair, or Black?
I am cleaning up a reference photo in Photoshop for a portrait of a Federal Chief Judge, and the thought came to me overnight that he may look better in a traditional ceremonial red chair than in the contemporary black chair, normally in use.
The painting will be life size, 42" by 36". Below is the current proposed cropping, and beneath that, a GIF animation illustrating the change in the seating. He was photographed in the black chair for this pose, and also posed in the red chair during this same shoot session. I think he looks his best in this pose, but that he also needs the red chair as a frame.
Please give me your thoughts on this image and the chair. I'll need this done about Christmas.
PS: I also straightened the flag pole.