Hurricane Refugee Help
As most of you know - over 50,000 of the hurricane victims are in Houston. They are slowly dispersing these folks to other cities because one can not handle all of them. My city is getting over 5000 either tomorrow or the next day.
If any of you would like to send items that these folks might need - like clothing, shoes, medical supplies, etc. - and you'd like to make sure it gets handed directly to people who need it - please email me. You can send it directly to my house if you like since my family and I will be going down to the colliseum to help out. Most of these folks have nothing but the clothes on their backs. If anyone is interested I'll get a better idea of what they might need later on.
I heard today of a fellow in Houston who spent $25,000 of his own money in pizzas to send over to the Astrodome yesterday.
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn