My Father's Eyes
Working on this for Father's Day. What a work of love to draw your parent. My dad suffered a stroke in January and every day with him is absolutely precious to me. He LOVES to tell his WWII stories and always says those were some of the richest moments in his life. He is president of his local Armed Guard Veterans Chapter. Once a month 10 - 20 of these guys get together for breakfast. I have had the pleasure of driving my dad and hanging out with these extraordinary men.
Anyways' to make a long story short. This is not complete. Still working on hair and have not gone in with white pastel. Any glaring problems please speak up!! You know, I can't see it objectively at all. I do know that the eyebrows need to be darkened quite a bit. And I have not decided how to finish the uniform yet, so any suggestions ...always appreciated
Thank you